Squier Cyclone?

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Squier Cyclone?

Post by greenghoul »

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this guitar. I want one, but they don't make them left handed :(, but my younger brother also likes cyclones/mustangs, so I think this would spark his interest (it's also priced better than a used MIM Cyclone, all that would be necessary is maybe a pup upgrade).

So yeah, if anyone can help, that'd be great. Also, if anyone knows if this will ever be released lefty, that'd be cool too.

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Post by Pens »

No. It's not ever going to be made lefty. Fender will not be putting out anything other than Strats or tele's in left handed for the foreseeable future. I have written them a ton of times about this, and they won't do it.

I'm left handed also. I ended up building my own Musicmaster because Fender will not do any of the new shortscales in lefty.

Get used to it. It sucks being left handed.
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Post by mkt3000 »

Pens wrote:It sucks being left handed.
I guess I'm lucky. I'm lefty but play righty. It feels awkward playing lefty.
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Post by duosonic »

What country is it made in?
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Post by speedfish »

Pens wrote:No. It's not ever going to be made lefty. Fender will not be putting out anything other than Strats or tele's in left handed for the foreseeable future. I have written them a ton of times about this, and they won't do it.

I'm left handed also. I ended up building my own Musicmaster because Fender will not do any of the new shortscales in lefty.

Get used to it. It sucks being left handed.
What about the KC Jaguar? Seems like I've seen lefty versions of it?
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Post by Pens »

speedfish wrote:
Pens wrote:No. It's not ever going to be made lefty. Fender will not be putting out anything other than Strats or tele's in left handed for the foreseeable future. I have written them a ton of times about this, and they won't do it.

I'm left handed also. I ended up building my own Musicmaster because Fender will not do any of the new shortscales in lefty.

Get used to it. It sucks being left handed.
What about the KC Jaguar? Seems like I've seen lefty versions of it?
At a massive price markup, yeah. As far as nice, cheap shortscales like the Cyclone, it ain't gonna happen for lefties.

Sorry, I've been at this for years and have developed a massive hatred for the business practices of FMC due to this. Don't mean to sound so bitter.

If I could, I'd snap up a Blacktop Jaguar and a Cyclone in a heatbeat if they were left handed.

The upcoming Kurtdzez special Mustang is supposed to be available lefty also, but it's supposed to run from $800-1000. The Jag is $1200.
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Post by Pens »

duosonic wrote:What country is it made in?
Cyclone? Indonesia.
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Post by kypdurron »

Pens wrote: As far as nice, cheap shortscales like the Cyclone, it ain't gonna happen for lefties.
in this case it's also not happening for europeans ...
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Post by greenghoul »

feels bad :(

I like the look of the competition mustang (the KC one), but I don't have 1000 dollars to blow, I'm not a fan of humbuckers either :(
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Post by Pens »

greenghoul wrote:feels bad :(

I like the look of the competition mustang (the KC one), but I don't have 1000 dollars to blow, I'm not a fan of humbuckers either :(
You and me both. Actually, they put the page up today, given the MSRP those Stangs should run the same as the Jag retail.

Fuck. That.

It's a goddamn Mustang with a bucker in the bridge. It's not worth that much.

Fuck it, man just make yourself one. It'll be cheaper. That's what I did.
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Post by speedfish »

Pens wrote:
speedfish wrote:
Pens wrote:No. It's not ever going to be made lefty. Fender will not be putting out anything other than Strats or tele's in left handed for the foreseeable future. I have written them a ton of times about this, and they won't do it.

I'm left handed also. I ended up building my own Musicmaster because Fender will not do any of the new shortscales in lefty.

Get used to it. It sucks being left handed.
What about the KC Jaguar? Seems like I've seen lefty versions of it?
At a massive price markup, yeah. As far as nice, cheap shortscales like the Cyclone, it ain't gonna happen for lefties.

Sorry, I've been at this for years and have developed a massive hatred for the business practices of FMC due to this. Don't mean to sound so bitter.

If I could, I'd snap up a Blacktop Jaguar and a Cyclone in a heatbeat if they were left handed.

The upcoming Kurtdzez special Mustang is supposed to be available lefty also, but it's supposed to run from $800-1000. The Jag is $1200.

Brother I feel your pain. Two of my girls are also lefties. Ibanez makes the Mikro for lefties, so that's what they'll be playing when they transition to the electric guitar. Right now they share a child's classical guitar that I have strung for them and tune in open G. I am thankful that it doesn't have a pickguard, so string orientation doesn't leave it looking upside down.