benecol wrote:It shouldn't flop around at all - try pushing the arm in a bit more.
Thanks. I will give it a go in a bit. Benecol, do you have a Jaguar and a Jazzmaster? I know you have a Jazzmaster.
Edit: The tremolo bar wasn't going in far enough and then it slipped in. I can make stay in one position if I push it in, but once I start using it goes back to flopping a bit.
Locking or generally not using the trem on a Jag or a Jazzmaster is a crime against guitars. And there's no excuse for a non-Japanese arm to be floppy. Fic your guitars, bitches.
taylornutt wrote:Benecol, do you have a Jaguar and a Jazzmaster? I know you have a Jazzmaster.
I used to have an AVRI Jag but sold it to buy and SG and a bicycle.
mine is my main gigging guitar and i need it to be as solid as possible. having had it do strange things occasionally in the middle of a song, i find it gives me less nagging fear if it's locked.
benecol wrote:And there's no excuse for a non-Japanese arm to be floppy. Fic your guitars, bitches.
i assume it's because it's old, things have got a little bit loose in there. like your mum.
This thread is now about me update: paid for the collet midnight Friday night, received it today. Easy to fit, with good instructions (feat. Jaggy so prettye), and it's great. I upped the tension just a touch because I wiggle it like a man possessed. It sits just where I leave it, and is a little higher off the guitar than my old one was, which is actually much more handy for gliding. All buzz from the old collet gone.
Although naturally, this being a Jazzmaster, now the tone roller on the rhythm circuit has started quietly buzzing when I play the A string open. My favourite guitars, but they can be like the guitar equivalent of the Forth Rail Bridge...
That's how I broke the last one. This one I'd gamely forced two rubber grommets on to hold tight, but to little avail. My old one, and the one on my old Jag, was pretty good, but gradually went iffy with my heavy-handedness.
just looked at the spec sheet and video again and realised that Johnny has made his Jag as much like a Tele as he could without changing the look (+ a treble boost and high pass filter).
dezb1 wrote:The metallic ko looked good in the pics posted above... hopefully this is just crappy lighting:
I just saw / played a KO at NAMM. These pics are too washed out - it's darker than this. The pictures above it (taken at NAMM) are far more accurate in terms of the color's shading.
Thatlast pic isn't accurate. The orange is definitely darker, warmer than that. It may not be my "go to", but of the two, it is certainly the more interesting finishes. I like it.