Started a Johnny Marr-Inspired Jag last year...on to wiring!

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Started a Johnny Marr-Inspired Jag last year...on to wiring!

Post by Kyle »

Started a Johnny Marr Jag last year, not expecting a Sig Model. Its took a while, but I am making switft progress, and could be finished once I sort out the wiring.

It has a tele four way switch, instead of the 3 selectors. I want to keep the high pass filter, and also have ANOTHER high pass filter when running the switch in the fourth position - the in-series position.

I have only ever wired a tele, so you could say I am half way there. But wiring in these 2 switches baffles me. I know it should be easy, but I am not quite sure about it. I have the two switches ready to go, so any help starting on it would be much appreciated.
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Post by DGNR8 »

Pics of wiring!
Yell Like Hell
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Post by Kyle »

I've not started it yet mate, don't want to start the wiring when I don't know what I'm doing.

I know how to wire it into the tele wiring, but don't want to go too far on that in case there is something I need to do inbetween so that the switches work.