Got a AVRI Jaguar in the mail yesterday. A bit of the paint was chipped off near the neck. Anybody know where I can get a tiny bit of olympic white paint?
my opinion is, unless you are a real pro at this kind of thing, just leave it. this kind of stuff always looks better left alone than when somebody does a half-ass touch up.
Nah have at it sir! get some super fine grit sand paper. build up the chip in layers allowing it dry. Get it so it is slightly proud of the surrounding finish and then CAREFULLY, GENTLY, AND IN TINY INCREMENTS, gently sand it flush. Buff over the area to blend - do this for ages and gently. Its more patience and a little know-how than esoteric skill.
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Mages wrote:my opinion is, unless you are a real pro at this kind of thing, just leave it. this kind of stuff always looks better left alone than when somebody does a half-ass touch up.
tbh, i'd just throw some white out on it and rub a yellow highlighter on it and then rub on it until it fades to a matching tint. then fucking let it go. it's not even a chip. it's a little sliver.