Hey! Wait, I got a new complaint! Forever in debt to your priceless advice.
But your sidejack is not nearly Kurtdzy enough...
Made me think of this, sorry...
I like it, but in reality I'll never get one.
Last edited by Addam on Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I had one of their hi-flyers and it really was a lovely guitar. I could potentially see myself owning another in the future, and I do have a weakness for teh maplez. Pretty low on my priority list though, plus their Customer Service apparently blows so I'd rather not support them with my business.
dots wrote:society is crumbling because of asshoels like ends
brainfur wrote:I'm having difficulty reconciling my desire to smash the state & kill all white people with my desire for a new telecaster
Dodtz has this crazy kurdtz artwork book. i was reading it intently saturday morning when he was sleeping. i just picked it up to fuck about with, but after i read like 3 pages i was hooked.
its got so much info about an entire other side of his life that wasn't music. its an amazing book. i got to ask him what it was called.
I like it .. I bet it's much better than the original Univox .. I'll own one ..
Cobain used Univoxs and Mosrites frequently . I want to say he had a Univox in the Bleach era along with the ET-270. He played what was cheap and he could afford .. Days when offsets and shortscales were uncool.. Pre-Hipster era..