I got the beige one (which now kinda light beige, um maybe magnolia?) which has Russian transistors and stuff, for £75, and the blue and black ones which have all the mojo parts in for £90. You can choose whether it says 'Perky Harlot' or 'Harmonic Percolator'.
This is the moment where hotrodperlmutter reveals he is actually Chuck Collins, that this has been the most longwinded undercover operation ever, and slams the cuffs on you.
Seriously abandoned trademarks are ridiculous. Like the company that claims to own the word 'Superfuzz' applying it to a pedal that isn't a Superfuzz. I wonder if I could steal the Shin-Ei brand and pull ebay auctions for any clones that aren't mine. Only I wouldn't do that because I'm not a chonst.
Hotrod if you'd like an pedal, drop me a PM and I'll sort you out.
Nice sounding pedal Tim. Is it not possible to have the trim pots accessable from outside the pedal..... I have a few pedals with internal slide switches & trim pots & its a pain. I think the Sunface has the trim pot accessable from the outside?
A few people on HCFX were bitching about that. I imagine they're not externalised as it's more of a "dial in until it sounds good" rather than a "usable sounds across the range type deal", or am I completely wrong, Tim?
Nah, it was a conscious decision not to mount the trimmers externally. Once the upper/lower octave balance is set perfectly so the upper/lower octave sounds are strong and the decay isn't horrible you shouldn't need to change them.
Edit: the 'nah' was to Johno. Mike was spot-on because this pedal can be virtually unusable with the trimmers set wrongly.
Last edited by timhulio on Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.