I want to add a bridge bucker to my Duo and I also don't much care for the anodized aluminum pickguard but I have had the plastic ones crack around the jack. How similar are the Cyclone pickguards? They look very similar and with a Mustang control plate (i already have) I'd be in business. Will it fit pretty easily? I think I will change the bridge to a string thru also while I am tearing shit apart.
My tech's got my MM right now to swap out the pots. If I can get it back tomorrow or the day after, I'll compare the PG with my Squier Cyclone's and let you know.
Nope, a cyclone has the same offset-waist contours like the mustang. But the body is as thick as a strat (for placing the strat-trem). So it looks like a mustang but doesn't feel like a mustang...
the neck pickup and selector switch routes are off too. I doubt a mustang plate would fit over the route (it might) but on the musicmaster i have the route is a bit to big to be covered by a mustang plate.
You could trace your own pattern and have a pickguard cut though.
2014 American Deluxe Stratocaster
2013 Gibson SG 61RI
1998 Paul Reed Smith CE22