I'm about to buy a new guitar. A hollow-body Telecaster, no doubt. But I'm not wearing the money pants as of lately, so my budget is quite limited; I'm thinking no more than 400€.
The alternatives so far are the Squier Classic Vibe Telecaster Thinline
http://www.fender.com/en-SE/products/se ... 0303035521
and the Squier Vintage Modified Telecaster Thinline
http://www.fender.com/en-SE/products/se ... 0301240544
I'm more into the last one, the Vintage Modified, since it has a short scale and a nicer color. Unfortunately I have only been able to try out the first one, and I really liked it (despite the very glossy headstock).
How do they compare tonally, and what are your general thoughts on these two? Does the Vintage one has as glossy a headstock as the Classic Vibe one?
Any input is appreciated.