Like the title says I'm a new guy and I love me some Kurt cobain. I currently own a fender USA highway one strat a Kurt cobain vandalism strat copy(silvertone brand) I put all together from parts in my bin and a sharpie and some paper an epi lp junior(to satisfy the humbucker need) a harmony strat copy, an epiphone ej200 artist modified by myself a pre1965 harmony all mahogany h165 and a yamaha apx4a with a giant check in the neck(got it thrown in on a deal with a pawnshop more or less for free) and I play through a 2000 fender twin pro all tube a 2010 fender frontman(so I don't have to carry my 100 pound twin and risk it getting ruined in some filthy bars) a crate 1x12 ( I got at guitarcenter for 25 bucks) and for my bass needs a silvertone 4 string p bass through a behringer ultrabass 450 watt head into an old crate 4x12 guitar cab. Well that's my whole equipment list not including pa organ keyboard ukelele cables mics pedals picks and tuners hahahahaha. Hope to find a nice stang on here
Cagethelephant wrote:Sorry about that, at strat talk we are sticklers on punctuation I realize this isn't strat talk and it's two different worlds strats and short scales
welcome to the forum. so far you've post 297 words and two sentences
but for real, this is a fun place and you'll enjoy it, but if you're looking to buy a 'stang here, you may be looking awhile. if you're looking to learn all about stangs and jags so you know what you're buying, you're in a good spot.
I really like both amps, the ampeg is probably my fav amp head, just so small and loud. The frontman is a great little amp. I ended up buying one used cond2 from MF in black. When it got here it didnt work so they offered me a new red one at no extra charge. I couldn't say no for $60.