warmoth orange competition mustang project

Painting? Routing? Set-up tips? Or just straight-up making a guitar from scratch? Post here, and post pics!

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Post by dots »

^maybe... i haven't crossed into that frontier yet, but we'll see.

also still working on the intonation of the lower frets as even after the small truss rod adjustment (warmoth includes a gotoh side-hatch option for smaller tweaks) and a modest shim, it's still out of tune first 2 - 3 frets.

my research at least seems to be pointing toward the nut requiring additional filing. the symptoms line up, and 1st string is definitely prone to popping out of the slot with very little encourage. i might be playing heavier strings (11s) than they set it up for at the factory, so i'm willing to go down this rabbit hole. will reach out for their advice, too.

so i started looking at nut files, and god damn, they're not cheap. about $100 give or take for new, and i'm kinda leery of used tools from randos. anybody have experience in this realm? what should i look out for if i end up getting a set to do this on my own? or should i take to a luthier?
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Post by paul_ »

I bought the nicer Stewmac files, 3 double sided ones that take care of all 6 nut slots; as you say they're not cheap. They do make it an easy job though.
The lighter weight type they sell might be worth a shot... a lot of people also like those multi-file tools for nutwork but I like the width and shape of the Stewmac files, going nice and slow until the friction eases up proportionately takes care of everything.

Was the nut pre-installed at Warmoth? If so there's no way it had little more than guide slots, fine slot filing is best done at the end of the guitar assembly process as part of a set-up.

OH FUCKS SAKE, these cheap lightweight files I'm talking about are the $100 set you're looking at, and the other ones have gone up in price a lot too.
I bought the .012/.020, .026/.032 and .050/.060 ones of the more robust type linked below. While StewMac tools were always pretty pricey, I'm pretty sure that didn't run me $105 back in 2009/2010... if it did, what decadence. I suppose they've proved very useful over the years as I've built about 5 guitars since then and replaced nuts on a few others, and those 3 files are a crucial part of the job.

http://www.stewmac.com/luthier-tools-a ... gIHpfD_BwE

Best hit up wish.com and buy a few "guitar files" that turn up looking like emery boards with FASHION printed on them.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang? :x
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
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Post by dots »

ah, so you're recommending the double-sided -- good to know! and, yes, these are the original slots filed from the warmoth factory, which the customer support guy did confirm were a bit shallow by design.

since i'm playing fender super bullet 11s (.011, .014, .018, .028, .038, and .049), the widths i was looking at are .013, .016, .020, .028, .042, and .050. from what i've read, you want to go slightly larger by a few thousandths than the stringer if anything when selecting files. if i go with the ones in your link, i would buy .012 / .020, .026 / .032, .036 / .042, and .050 / .060. does that sound right?

planning to pull the trigger on this today as strumming open chords on this thing between meetings can be nails on a chalkboard at times! =]
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Post by dots »

dots wrote:.012 / .020, .026 / .032, .036 / .042, and .050 / .060
took the plunge and ordered them, and they arrive monday. $170... ouch! but yeah, if i'm planning to do another build, i'd need them anyway. plus, as mike can attest, my hh jag with 11s has an issue were the 6th string likes to pop out of the nut with moderately heavy picking, so now i can get that guitar more dialed in than it ever was. i may end up running the files through avri jag while i'm at it since they pretty much all get strung with the same gauges.
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Post by plopswagon »

hmmmmmmm dot g'itar nut tool rental company?
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Post by dots »

"give me money, fix your nuts"

it's a business plan that writes itself.

and, srsly, those luthier tools on stewmac are drool worthy but stuuuuuuupid spendy. maybe next time i'm tipsy and find myself with a surplus...
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Post by dots »

nut fixed, intonation near perfect. i still get that "compromise" tuning thing on the 3rd string, but it's like that on all guitars to some degree. at least i can play open A, D, & G chords without inducing nausea. i nicked the side of right sight of the 1st string slot on one of my sawing motions, so there is a tiny chip i might buff away if i feel inclined or get the notion that it's shortening string life. i doubt this will be the case, and my efforts have also fixed the issue of the string popping out so easily.

i think i can call this guitar done now. it looks, sounds, and plays like i need it to. the action has ended up not quite as high as my avri jag (which isn't terribly high to begin with) but not as low and speedy as my hh jag. i attribute the difference to it being setup as a traditional mustang, no frills, no fillers.
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Post by mickie08 »

Just checked in on this as I haven't been on the board much this summer (been traveling most of it)

Looks great. I have always loved the orange compstang look.

If you do another project I have a drill press you are welcome to come use at my house. Beers time!!
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Post by dots »

hey now, that sounds like a great plan!