mage wrote:
cool MAXX Chorus. I'm a big fan of those. I have the compressor/sustainer and the SD-1 (branded as Maxtone and Rockson, but they are the same). dudes on FSB were saying that they are near identical to the BOSS pedals they're copying.
that one you have is interesting though, as it looks like a CE-2 clone.
As far as pedals go it’s my prize possession, it was the first pedal I bought (in 1991 for the princely sum of £16) it’s the only pedal that never leaves my board. I’ve never seen them anywhere since I bought this one.
I was cleaning my room and found this little jem under my bed, I remember buying it a couple of years ago, I thought a friend had it, until I found it under my bed . It's my Fender mini Tone Master.
I ordered some Behringer pedals a while ago, and got sent the wrong ones. But I kept them anyway.
I have the DD100 - digital delay. nothing special.
DR400 - Delay/Reverb. I never wanted this, but I actually quite like it. Basically has reverb settings, delay settings and then some in-between settings with delay and reverb together.
UO300 - Octave shift pedal. Pretty fun to use but cant do chords so its a bit boring after a while.
I ordered some Behringer pedals a while ago, and got sent the wrong ones. But I kept them anyway.
I have the DD100 - digital delay. nothing special.
DR400 - Delay/Reverb. I never wanted this, but I actually quite like it. Basically has reverb settings, delay settings and then some in-between settings with delay and reverb together.
UO300 - Octave shift pedal. Pretty fun to use but cant do chords so its a bit boring after a while.