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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:35 pm
by Doog
Lolz, would be a bit of a cunt to change pickups if they were real F-holes.

"This next song is called.."

"Waitasec, anyone got a coathanger?"

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:37 pm
by euan
Ha totally didn't realise that was a Paul Gilbert guitar due it not being neon pink or anything.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:14 pm
by robert(original)
icey that geeter is nasty!
i don't like the points of whole thing and the weird f-hole things.
i do like the old gretchs with the painted on f-holes.
i think the only one of those bodies that im going to pursue is the f-hole tele, i think im either gonna ebay the other two off as is, or ima finish em up and sell them.
i figure when i get my ash i will start making some decent bodies and pawning them off to whoever in here, sell the crapwood on ebay.
i mean basswood. :oops:

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:53 pm
by iCEByTes
robert(original) wrote:icey that geeter is nasty!
i don't like the points of whole thing and the weird f-hole things.
i do like the old gretchs with the painted on f-holes.
i think the only one of those bodies that im going to pursue is the f-hole tele, i think im either gonna ebay the other two off as is, or ima finish em up and sell them.
i figure when i get my ash i will start making some decent bodies and pawning them off to whoever in here, sell the crapwood on ebay.
i mean basswood. :oops:
idea is put potenciometers on f wholeand the switch too

.... have risk damage the F whole ??

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:36 pm
by robert(original)
im going to trade the jazzy body to mustache for a pedal, and since no one has said anything about the jag-stang body i may just keep it, try it out, see what it sounds like as bare slab wood as opposite to 2-3 piece painted.
and after im done with it i supose i will sell it on ebay,
or to someone on the js for an inflated price.
anywho here are the pics of all the parts on it.
i think they actually fit better on this than they do on the original body.
the only thing tho is that the neck pocket isn't as tight as i want it.
but then again i think the perfect neck pocket it tight as hell.
and this one is only semi tight.
i can't string it up yet cuz i don;t have a mustang bridge anymore and im missing just about all of my pickguard screws.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:09 pm
by paul_
iCEByTes wrote:
idea is put potenciometers on f wholeand the switch too

.... have risk damage the F whole ??
icey, the guitar you posted doesn't have f-holes, it has paintings of f-holes. it wouldn't be possible to mount a switch and pot in an actual f-hole like that, it has nothing to mount to. f-holes are... well, holes.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:22 pm
by iCEByTes
paul_ wrote:
iCEByTes wrote:
idea is put potenciometers on f wholeand the switch too

.... have risk damage the F whole ??
icey, the guitar you posted doesn't have f-holes, it has paintings of f-holes. it wouldn't be possible to mount a switch and pot in an actual f-hole like that, it has nothing to mount to. f-holes are... well, holes.
never played on an F-whole guitars before :)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:24 pm
by luke
iCEByTes wrote:
paul_ wrote:
iCEByTes wrote:
idea is put potenciometers on f wholeand the switch too

.... have risk damage the F whole ??
icey, the guitar you posted doesn't have f-holes, it has paintings of f-holes. it wouldn't be possible to mount a switch and pot in an actual f-hole like that, it has nothing to mount to. f-holes are... well, holes.
never played on an F-whole guitars before :)
Have you ever seen a hole? Have you ever tried to screw something into the gap between two objects? I've never played an F-hole guitar either, but I can respect what they're saying dude.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:00 pm
by robert(original)
here is mr. mustaches jazzy as it will be sent to him, i just boxed it but realised i can't really get to the post office till tomorrow.
but anywho,
i did a pretty raw version of the contours but there isn't much sanding left.
ima throw in the allparts trem cuz i don;t like it and maybe someone else will.
the neck is still mine tho..... :shock:


oh and btw, its not an optical illusion the allparts trem really is asymetrical, its crap. once side is almost 2mms higher than the other.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:11 pm
by fretman
robert(original) wrote:oh and btw, its not an optical illusion the allparts trem really is asymetrical, its crap. once side is almost 2mms higher than the other.
WTF? How can they get away with that? Nice work btw.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:28 pm
by iCEByTes
original american fender jazz/jag tremolo is expensive
the japanese aint



Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:24 pm
by Mo Law-ka
icey, bringing the slang.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:18 pm
by robert(original)
you guys may make fun of icey, but you gotta admit that when you need info icey brings it, period, he has hookups that i could never even imagine.
icey for prez!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:34 pm
by Mr Mustache
dude that is so awesome of you! :D

Thank you so much dude I'll try out the trem, i'm hope for the best but expecting the worst.

Thanks for that link Icey, I think for 30 more i'll go with the AVRI trem( that is if i don't like the all parts trem Robert is giving me) Because i didn't really like the CIJ trem on the Jaguar but the trem on my 66 jazzy is really nice so are all the other avri trems.

I'm pretty sure that it'll turn out Sherwood Green with a Gold guard


sorry not trying to be a jerk or un greatful

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:00 pm
by robert(original)
good catch man, im about 45 mins from my house right but when iget back i will dig it out of the box and put them in.
i can;t beileve i spaced it but it wouldn't suprise me, i was running around like a mad man this monring trying to get everything under wraps and trying to track down my money,
you see i have about 4 people that altogether owe me almost 500 and i need that money asap before i leave for st. lious, otherwise i don;t eat for the first week.
i promise tho, i will do that tonight and get it back in the box as soon as i can.
thank god i posted pics and you noticed, otherwise i bet i would have realized it the second i sent it off.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:13 pm
by Mr Mustache
haha, it's cool man, dude i'm in not rush to get it, if you want to wait a week or 2 until things calm down a bit and then send it to me, that's fine man.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:16 pm
by robert(original)
no, i want to try and get everything done before i go, its a bit of a rush but it needs to get done, currently i am waiting at someones house until they get home so i can suprise them and be like "hey remember that i work i did for you? well its time to pay up or im taking the intrument!"
hopefully it will go smoothly and i don't have to rob his jack ass but i am getting impacient

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:21 pm
by Mr Mustache
dang, well i hope all goes well.

that's cool, where are ya going?