another day, another Fender shortscale...

The original shortscale guitars; Mustangs, Duo-Sonics, Musicmasters, Jaguars, Broncos, Jag-stang, Jagmaster, Super-Sonic, Cyclone, and Toronados.

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Post by superfuzz »

cyclone 2's are pretty awesome, congrats d00d!
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Post by Fran »

Looks cool, but i'm disappointed you STILL have'nt tidied that room since your youtube videos like 4 months ago!
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Post by aphasiac »

Fran wrote:Looks cool, but i'm disappointed you STILL have'nt tidied that room since your youtube videos like 4 months ago!
dude i HAVE tidied - the floor is completely bare! there's a bit of mess by the bed, but that's just books and stuff.

anyway i gotta tidy, cos im moving house soon so i dumped about 50% of the stuff in my room, and sold most of my guitar stuff. now im left with *only* 5 guitars and 1 amp..oh how can i cope..
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Post by aphasiac »

so, i fixed up the Cyclone. Removed the neck pickup, tested and guess what - it's totally dead. Is it possible to mend a dead pickup??

Anyway, luckily i had a pair of AV Fender jag pickups that were going into my jaguar, so i borrowed the neck version from that set. Burnt myself bad whilst soldering, but tested it and its all working now. Also packed 1cm of addition foam under each pickup, to raise em a bit.

Will get the strings on and post pics / samples ASAP.
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Post by euan »

Its possible to revive it but it would take a lot of work. You'd need to unwind it until you find the break and resolder it and rewind. Have you checked that the start and end of the coil are actually solder to the pickup wires?
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Post by aphasiac »

euan wrote:Its possible to revive it but it would take a lot of work. You'd need to unwind it until you find the break and resolder it and rewind. Have you checked that the start and end of the coil are actually solder to the pickup wires?
no. its difficult to check the windings, cos the Fender AV jag pickups are wax potted whilst in the cover - so it's really stuck in there. I'd have to melt the wax to the get it out.

Might just dump it - or more likely stick it on ebay at 99p. The pair costs me £50, so it's a £25 pickup - if it were a £60 SD or something i might put more effort into sorting it. Does kinda screw up plans for my jaguar now though - HATE those CIJ pickups!
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Post by Tweez »

I think it's probably worth you having a go rather than dismissing it, you've got nothing to lose.
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Post by aphasiac »

Tweez wrote:I think it's probably worth you having a go rather than dismissing it, you've got nothing to lose.
yeh you're right, i'll have a look at it. think someone on reported they did get the pickup out of the cover despite the wax, using a pencil and shear brute force.

could be really simple. though this guitar was in a filthy state, smokey and obviously been somewhere damp. wonder if that causes the pickup to die?

if theres no way of fixing, i could of course borrow a pickup back from the cyclone. I have a kent armstrong hotrail which could go in the bridge, or i could just remove the middle pickup totally (i never use middle pickups! but then cyclone might be different, i need to play)
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Post by Aug »

the most common place for a pup's copper wiring to break is between the winding and the solder points for the leads. Check it out.
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Post by euan »

Aug wrote:the most common place for a pup's copper wiring to break is between the winding and the solder points for the leads. Check it out.
It's all true
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Post by ihatetanks »

fender cyclones (all variants) are underrated.. it's a very solid guitar that can handle lots of abuse.
if it feels good do it.
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Post by Billy3000 »

Awesome dude, I really like those things. I played one at a store in Wilmington and I thought it was really nice. Enjoy it!
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Re: another day, another Fender shortscale...

Post by mudhunny »

aphasiac wrote:
Mike wrote: Jesus, who loses the bridge screw from a D saddle?
ive just had a quick listen, and guess what - the intonation on the D is almost spot on. :shock:

so it's possible the screw removal was intentional.

Man this guitar is filthy though - previous owner was a smoker. man even the strings are gross, i hate that sh#t. it came with a deluxe gig bag as well - IF YOU'RE GOING TO SMOKE, PUT YOUR GUITAR AWAY WHEN YOU'RE NOT PLAYING!! :evil:
Off topic, but what exactly does smoking around guitars do? is it just discolouration or does it fuck up the electrics?
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Post by Mike »

I heard it can be bad for the intonation.

Saddles can even be known to lose saddle screws.
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Re: another day, another Fender shortscale...

Post by aphasiac »

mudhunny wrote: Off topic, but what exactly does smoking around guitars do? is it just discolouration or does it fuck up the electrics?
apart from making it stink, the entire inside of this guitar was filled with cigerette ash. I've cleaned it out now, but it was pretty gross. The wax-potted pickups are still black, cos i cant clean the ash out of the wax.

Also the whole fretboard was coated in ash that was quite sunk in, and has to be cleaned with lemon oil twice.

finally, all metal parts with matte and discoloured and required cleaning. of course the strings were dead. and the guitar still smells. boo.
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Post by Mike »

He must have been smoking when poking around inside it or something. No fucking way that ash could find it's way into the pickguard cavity otherwise.
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Post by aphasiac »

Mike wrote:He must have been smoking when poking around inside it or something. No fucking way that ash could find it's way into the pickguard cavity otherwise.
it's has jaguar pickups remember - so the pickups dont exactly fit snug with the pickguard. theres a gap of around 5mm around each one.

unlike a jaguar, there is no metal shield under the pickguard, and the pickup routes arent cut out for each individual pickup - theres just a whacking great hole in the body (swimming pool route?). tons of smoke and therefore ash built up in there, it was disgustingly flithy.

i should have taken pictures really.
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Post by Mike »

Smoke doesn't condense to ash, dude. You're like inventing lino-physics there dude.
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Post by aphasiac »

Mike wrote:Smoke doesn't condense to ash, dude. You're like inventing lino-physics there dude.
doesnt it?

thats weird - i work in IT, and in my days of compter maintenence we always used to get PCs from smokers that were absolutely full of fag ash.

By definition, cigerette smoke is just airborne ash. so where does it go if it doesn't settle on/in things?
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Post by Mike »

The ash came from the ends of their cigarettes, not from the air.