aphasiac wrote:important question - how's the bypass? if you walk about this is the sounsclip, appologies.
Their Boss Hyperfuzz clone looks sweet - and for £19 its a bargain. pity i have the original, or i'd buy one.
well according to some when its in latch or unlatch mode it's actually never bypassed and that's why you have the bypass on the mode switch, but in my limited testing i can't say that it adds anything nasty to the signal or takes anything away from the tone.
No worse than any boss or out.
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:44 pm
by inscho
the vibrato sounds almost exactly like the byoc vb-2 i had.
and you have to build it and not fuck up. or $180 for a built one.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:19 am
by Hurb
oh yes i remember peoples talking about that now.
I dunno what else can be done to stop the madness that is people dissing behringer..its like total snobyness.
I may have to do a video of me testing the strength of plastic pedals to prove there not gonna fall apart.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:23 am
by Mike
Bypass is the only concern I have and they seem to have addressed it for the latest line - also for recording FX they're unbeatable - who cares about bypass then?
You know what the hate is for?
People being gutted that you can buy the same sounds for a fraction of the price they have already outlayed. Personally it doesn't bother me that the DMM clone is a third the price of my DMM - I know I would buy the clone if I was buying it now, but what's done is done.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:35 am
by Hurb
aye i can see that. I'm like you I'm not fussed about the impending vebzilla copy release..in fact i cant wait to try it and if its the same then verb is being ebayed.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:10 am
by Mike
Score. Yay for Behringer and the fact you can get 3 (or more) pedals for the price of one. Even ifyou like the copy and don't like the bypass it lets you know you'll like the original.
And fuck Boss for not reissuing these pedals - it's their fault.