its officially passed 6:00 so i can do what i want(its how i space my day out)
but anyway.
i ripped the clamps off of the binding, got out my pocket plane and started going to town, im really suprised at how well it turned out, i thought for sure that it would look like shit and i would fuck up along the line but it looks pretty good in my opinion.
i really dig the way it looks on the side, very streamline looking to me, almost like the chrome on the side of an old hot rod.
i started sanding down the end of the fretboard so the binding and fretboard sort of "dive" into the body, its still raw but i like the way its turning out.
i also finished up the headstock, made it lllllooooonnnngggggg, i hope it doesn;t look too goofy.
but something i am rather excited about is i plan on put a thin maple veneer over the headstock, and then putting some figured mohogany on top of that, doing a bevel on the edges and what not.
one of the cool things that tracy pointed out to me is all the wood i have used besides the finger board has essentially been scrap wood.
the ash wings were too small for a 2 peice body/had a knot in a bad spot.
the mohogony was trimmed off the side of a bigger peice.
and the figured stuff and maple was all scavanged from other projects.
its not like a have a bin full of scrap wood, but it does pay off to keep some of the smaller/nicer stuff around just incase you get an itch to do something.
like i said before, i hate this guitar in everyway, but its fun to try something new, and im sure that i will fuck something up to where i will have to do a major haul in trying to fix it, but as of right now, anytime after 6 at night that i can get aroudn to it, i will.
and plus if it turns out alright it would be cool to get a pretty penny for it from some... neo metalhead or something.