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Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:17 pm
by Pens
Doog wrote:Silverface Bassman 135 at the studio me and Spud were doing bass at today:

(Wank pics I know, sorry..)

3 band EQ and volume for each channel, plus master volume.. maybe some preamp crunchez to be had?

Some interesting stuff of the back.. recording out? Output tubes matching? Currrrious.
That's the amp a friend of mine had me look at. Had somehow jammed a 6L6 into a socket the wrong way and fried it. The output transformer was toast on it and I gave it back to him still dead. I didn't want to fux with it anymore. So sad too, when it was working that amp was one of the most beautiful ever. After hearing that thing I have wanted a Bassman so desperately. They are, to my ears, the perfect amp.

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:32 am
by mewithoutus
Mike wrote:
mewithoutus wrote:the silverface bassman amps all rule, so long as you get a pree '76 model.
Well that's not really all of them then, is it?
nothing gets by you.