Champion 600 is great, but not for clean sounds. It has virtually no headroom, and the speaker in it isn't up to much. Sounds fantastic through a cabinet though.
I'd personally steer clear of anything without any form of EQ- if you don't like the basic tone of the amp with your setup, you're screwed unless you invest in a EQ pedal. And despite being small and low wattage, the more overdriven sounds come at non-neighbour friendly volumes.
I'm probably going to get my ass reamed by the tone police for saying this, but if it's just for practicing with headphones, look at a Behringer V-amp 2. Smashing little modelling processor/headphone amp. Tons of sounds and can be had pretty cheap.
The tone police don't live here. You must be thinking of Harmony Central or This is, the best music community on the internet.
Not that I really give a crap. I like my V-Amp2. Now if only they'd do something about that stupid power jack and add battery power I'd probably be willing to do unnatural things to it.
I have a Fender Champion 600 and an Ephpihone Valve Junior Head.
I Epiphone sounds great, but I doubt the combo version sounds as good, given that it's going to be through a wee speaker. Someone else here has the combo version (Gavin maybe, someone Scottish anyway).
The Harly Benton amp that someone posted earlier is the same as the Valve Junior as far as I know.
None of these amps have headphone sockets, and all of them rely on being played loud to produce an overdriven tone (unless you have a pedal for this).
i decided after much consideration to just stick with what i have
i will however be buying a nice delay pedal, that behringer vintage delay looks like fun....they also do the 'echo machine'...anyone know if it's any good?