That was the thing you had at doogfest was it not kim?
Do you do the PMT drums on that thing?
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:11 am
by kim
ever since i got it i use it for almost everything i record and i wanna have drums on
main reason really being that my ibook broke, otherwise i would use loops in garageband like i used to.
but this roland's become like really a handy tool when i do a gig for miacis because then i'm totally on my own, i use it all the time, it's the bandmember i can't find here lol
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:09 am
by MutantParty
just for shits and giggles i have an old tascam 4 track, which lives in the trunk of my car with a cheap akg mic. HOT BUDGET ROCK TAPE JAMS.
i've got an older apple powerbook 17", it's getting laggy in its age, but i think im gonna try and buy a new computer this year.
for interface i use the m-audio firewire 410, pretty great deal there. i'd recommend it to anyone.
ive got logic pro for tracking,
a few synth vsts: massive, impOSCar, nexus, quadraSID and vanguard. they never see any action now that i quit the synthpop band.
real synths: microkorg and moog source.
most drums i sequence out in Reason, some i bring my laptop over to a friends house and mic his kit and play.
guitar rig is usually where i get ideas down before i record, i like it because i can jam out with my headphones on and still sound pretty close to the way i want to.
for mics i've got a sE Electronics sE2200a, which is a really great all around mic, especially vocals. and it looks cool too.
then the standard shure sm-58 and sm-57 for whatever ails you.
and for a midi controller, i use my microkorg. but it isn't a very good midi controller.
thats about it, i think.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:11 am
by jeff
iMac running Logic Express with a Line 6 TonePort UX2 for an i/o. The Gearbox software that it comes with is pretty good, although you can also bypass the software by changing your preferences. It runs off its own soundcard, so there is zero latency. That's the biggest thing for me. Latency makes me want to freak out and throw things. I use Reason or various plugins for rhythm programming.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:25 am
by Reece
Speaking of reason after using it for a good year I've only just figured out what the regroove mixer does. MAKES MY DRUMS SOUND MOAR REAL, SOMETHING I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO SINCE FOREVER, FOUR CLICKS AND IT'S DONE.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:25 am
by Doog
-Knackered Boss BR-8 if I'm recording away from the PC (ie, anywhere other than my room)
-Line out into Audacity to convert individual tracks to wavs
-Mix in Acid 5
Or at home, just using the BR-8 as a preamp to run straight into the PC's line in and record straight onto Acid.
I may well get a breakout box and mulitracking programme one of these days, so I can finally record more than 2 mics on a drum kit..
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:59 am
by Mike
Doog wrote:-Knackered Boss BR-8 if I'm recording away from the PC (ie, anywhere other than my room)
-Line out into Audacity to convert individual tracks to wavs
-Mix in Acid 5
Or at home, just using the BR-8 as a preamp to run straight into the PC's line in and record straight onto Acid.
I may well get a breakout box and mulitracking programme one of these days, so I can finally record more than 2 mics on a drum kit..
At some point I should sell you my UA-1000 and downsize myself to a 2-input box. It has 4 preamps on it you can plug mics into, and also 6 other inputs you could take from mixers or whatever if you wanted more mics. It can record 10 things simultaenously while giving you foldback.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:05 pm
by stewart
i'm looking into one of these interfaces just now-
seems to have everything i'd need for under £120. comes bundled with ableton live lite too, which is quite handy.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:59 pm
by kim
i have that one, m -audio firewire solo
it's quality but firewire only, i guess that's not really an issue when you have a good computer or laptop but not when it's ancient or a laptop you wouldn't be so stupid to use for recording like me (asus eee) hahaha
but it's simple and does the job well, can't adjust the volume on the back inputs though
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:11 pm
by stewart
heavium wrote:can't adjust the volume on the back inputs though
yeah, i noticed that...
now i'm thinking ESI Duafire instead-
not much more expensive but a better spec. i dunno, i can never make my mind up about these things!
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:39 pm
by Doog
Mike wrote:
Doog wrote:-Knackered Boss BR-8 if I'm recording away from the PC (ie, anywhere other than my room)
-Line out into Audacity to convert individual tracks to wavs
-Mix in Acid 5
Or at home, just using the BR-8 as a preamp to run straight into the PC's line in and record straight onto Acid.
I may well get a breakout box and mulitracking programme one of these days, so I can finally record more than 2 mics on a drum kit..
At some point I should sell you my UA-1000 and downsize myself to a 2-input box. It has 4 preamps on it you can plug mics into, and also 6 other inputs you could take from mixers or whatever if you wanted more mics. It can record 10 things simultaenously while giving you foldback.
Do you end up with seperate tracks on the pc though, or just a stereo mix?
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:39 pm
by Mike
Doog wrote:
Mike wrote:
Doog wrote:-Knackered Boss BR-8 if I'm recording away from the PC (ie, anywhere other than my room)
-Line out into Audacity to convert individual tracks to wavs
-Mix in Acid 5
Or at home, just using the BR-8 as a preamp to run straight into the PC's line in and record straight onto Acid.
I may well get a breakout box and mulitracking programme one of these days, so I can finally record more than 2 mics on a drum kit..
At some point I should sell you my UA-1000 and downsize myself to a 2-input box. It has 4 preamps on it you can plug mics into, and also 6 other inputs you could take from mixers or whatever if you wanted more mics. It can record 10 things simultaenously while giving you foldback.
Do you end up with seperate tracks on the pc though, or just a stereo mix?
10 separate tracks. It connects via USB2.0
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by Al_
I started out with an MBOX and PTLE as I needed to mix some stuff that was recorded in Protools several years ago. Then I wanted to start tracking my band so I picked up a Korg D1600 hard disc recorder, which could record up to 8-tracks simultaneously at 16-bit. With that I could also dump tracks to a CD and upload them on the computer into PTLE for mixing. Worked well, but the CD transfer was kind of a PITA, so ended up getting a Digi 002R interface (8 analong ins/outs with 8 more each way via ADAT, and 2 more each way via S/PDIF). That helped. Then I got an Apogee Minime to iimprove the clocking some and give me 10 inputs. Then the band broke up and I started just recording bands. Figured I needed more inputs, and would maybe want more outputs eventually, so I got a Tango 24 box that does 8 in/8 out over ADAT, no preamps or anyting though. I picked up Soundcraft M12 mixer somewhere along the way, and used its 12 preamps for a long time as a front end to the rig, along with the pres in the Minime on the 002R if I needed the channels. Then I got swayed by the "tape warmth" genie and decided to get 1/4-in 2-track deck to run mixes through. Through some ebay bad acting, I ended up with two 1/4-in decks (an Otari MTR-10 and and MCI-JH100B); along with a 1-in 8-track machine (JH-110B/C). Oh boy. The Otari has never quite worked right, but the two MCI decks are cool so I mainly use those. For awhile I ran a hybrid setup, with 8 tracks of drums going to the tape machine and feeding it into PTLE real time off the repro head. I still like working this way, but there are a few channesl on the deck that are acting up right now and I haven't had a chance to get them sorted. I then got sort of enamored with trying to mix "out of the box", so I picked up a 24-channel Soundtracs Topaz Project 8 board as a new front end and something to mix through; and bought some rack compressors and reverbes and delays and crap to use. So that's basically my set up at this point. Oh wait, I did also by an 2-channel D-A box that I connect to the S/PDIF out of the 002R so I can fly 18 tracks out of PTLE to the board. It's been fun and I think I'm getting better results. In any event, did I say it's fun? And I have all this crap because I don't have time to be in a band anymore and recording bands seems like the next best thing.
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:43 pm
by william
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:45 pm
by Doog
Mike wrote:
Doog wrote:
Mike wrote:
At some point I should sell you my UA-1000 and downsize myself to a 2-input box. It has 4 preamps on it you can plug mics into, and also 6 other inputs you could take from mixers or whatever if you wanted more mics. It can record 10 things simultaenously while giving you foldback.
Do you end up with seperate tracks on the pc though, or just a stereo mix?
10 separate tracks. It connects via USB2.0
Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:48 pm
by Doog
william wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
I've heard about this... dear god.
If they start a label for this, I'm going to kill myself.