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Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:47 pm
by Thom
Looks fucking ace.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:49 pm
by Hurb
aen wrote:
blacktaxi wrote:hey, it says "Dwarftcraft" on the PCB. shouldn't it be without the t?
wow, yeah, it should not have that extra T. darn it.
You know in years to come on forums, people are going to be arguing which sounds better. the one with the spelling mistake or not. And much hilarity will ensue..You heard it here first with your boy hurb seeing the future.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:15 am
by aen
Just imagine the prices the spray painted one will go for. HVM, Mustache: sell it when the sellin's good, Ill make you another!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:11 am
by Mr Mustache
aen wrote:Just imagine the prices the spray painted one will go for. HVM, Mustache: sell it when the sellin's good, Ill make you another!
Thanks man, I'm gonna make a mint!

what the hell does HVM stand for? pardon my ignorence but i've been away from internets too long

But really man those look great man, getting fancy! :D ... I just replaced my battery in TGD tonight and was admiding your craftsmenship, I 'm be recording a few songs with TGD in it really soon, i'll let everyone know when they are up

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:29 am
by euan
HVM is Heavium.

I think I'm rocking TGD no.18 spray painted and boughted from the man himself.

In years to come I'm going to rake the dollars from some collector. Or not because it is a great pedal

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:46 am
by Reece
I was thinking about that, I don't think I could bring myself to sell mine considering how much of a good deal it was in the first place.

It's like the shredmaster, I could probably make a good 400% profit from it but I'd feel like I'm ripping someone off, even the numbnuts that ebay is composed of.
Plus, TGD is a mega pedal.

Do you still write out those HELLO MY NAME IS: stickers?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:11 pm
by aen
Zaphod wrote:I was thinking about that, I don't think I could bring myself to sell mine considering how much of a good deal it was in the first place.

It's like the shredmaster, I could probably make a good 400% profit from it but I'd feel like I'm ripping someone off, even the numbnuts that ebay is composed of.
Plus, TGD is a mega pedal.

Do you still write out those HELLO MY NAME IS: stickers?
pfft, no. Thts another bonus for the early birds 8) I'm going to have little logo stickers soon, i think.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:27 pm
by euan
Total priviledged I am.

I'm one of only two people to have uploaded dwarfcraft content to flickr which I'm amazed by considering some of the gear whores on there

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:01 pm
by aen
hahahah Euan, you like right side round in the mirror. ... e3.jpg?v=0

Also, you should do modeling for Dwarfcraft.

"slight men enjoy dwarfcraft." new slogan.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:06 pm
by euan
Hell yeah.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:00 pm
by robert(original)
i beat all your dwarfcraft stuff.
i have no great destroyer but i do have a hand singed square snake,
PLUS~! the fucking prototype square snake with 8 knobs!!!
aen is already pro i don't want to get into detail cuz im not sure that he wants to gloat about it(he is a modest dude) but he has dwarfcraft stuff in the hands of some really famous people(IMO)