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Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:40 pm
by kypdurron
it's nitro finish ... more expensive, less reliable :wink: so nothing to worry about, exept for your friend's taste ^dots>

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:02 pm
by stewart
jcyphe wrote:
nomorebridge wrote:On a slightly different note, does anyone here actually monitor the level of humudity in the rooms you keep your guitars? To try and stop things like the above with wood expanding and contracting.... especially with acoustics and things like that?
My stepdad and his dad before him, always kept a bucket of water next to their Archtop and Acoustics.

I'm not even gonna pretend to know the scientific reasons why they do this, but I know they're serious archtop people and have been doing that for decades.
my friend's dad has a serious collection of rare guitars and mandolins and he has the room they're in temperature and humidity regulated. my mate accidentally turned the heating up one day and the finish on an old gretsch totally fucked up and started peeling. don't think his dad was too appreciative.

Re: Q: Flying V Problems

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:48 pm
by Zack
stewart wrote:
Goots. wrote:My friend has a flying V
friend eh? a likely story... go on, admit it. it's yours, isn't it?
Ha, nah. It's a lefty, I'd play it though.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:50 pm
by Zack
Oh, and thanks for all the input guys.

As well as the bits intended to poke fun, I enjoyed them.