Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:08 am
nice demo mikez0rz. the local guitar shop by me had one of these last week. this demo makes me want to go in there and check it out...i could use a p-bass for recording varietyz0rz. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Since 2006
DON'T TURN THIS INTO A US VS. EUROPE THING!Mike wrote:Both Neck and Headstock are Glossy as the American Military's Media version of the Iraq Debacle, and Tinted a glorious vintage amber, just like the involvement in Korea has been.
I'd love to try one, but it seems nobody stocks anything other than Affinity strats when it comes to Squiers in my city. This despite the fact that we have several big stores and heaps of smaller ones. I looked all over town with no luck for a new Bronco bass and I ended up just checking Craigslist every day for months until I got one. I'll probably have to look online to buy, which is a gamble if you don't have the opportunity to try one out first.Mike wrote:I really like it, and bear in mind I am primarily a guitarist and that I was previously very much a Jazz Bass guy because of the thinner profile up at the bass end of the neck, however I've been playing this a heap whilst learning songs and I am yet to experience any form of fatigue from the neck. I enjoy playing it a lot, and the glosswork and fretwork is superb. I like a thicker neck on a guitar and I would say that this neck approaches that, it is definitely not a stupidly big bass neck. Try one out, you might be pleasantly surprised.
i owned an affiinity p-bass, and i fucking hated it. the neck felt shit. the electronics sounded shit...the tuners were shit...Mike wrote:I didn't try it because I didn't want to like it, because the Tort is disgusting. Really shite photocopied bollocks.
I hate fake tort. Really, why do they bother? They should just use the standard black or white plastic instead of using that shit.Mike wrote:I didn't try it because I didn't want to like it, because the Tort is disgusting. Really shite photocopied bollocks.
Nah, but it's as good as the early 90s Squier Standard Jazz Bass I bought ages ago that J plays in Sell Crazy now.St. Jimmy wrote:i owned an affiinity p-bass, and i fucking hated it. the neck felt shit. the electronics sounded shit...the tuners were shit...Mike wrote:I didn't try it because I didn't want to like it, because the Tort is disgusting. Really shite photocopied bollocks.
have you played an affinity P before mike? just curious if you could compare the two basses. from what i'm seeing these CVs are basically like the old MIM Standards, and i rocked an MIM standard J-Bass for years.
the only problem is that they usually carry like one or two of the new shit. LOLMike wrote:Nah, but it's as good as the early 90s Squier Standard Jazz Bass I bought ages ago that J plays in Sell Crazy now.St. Jimmy wrote:i owned an affiinity p-bass, and i fucking hated it. the neck felt shit. the electronics sounded shit...the tuners were shit...Mike wrote:I didn't try it because I didn't want to like it, because the Tort is disgusting. Really shite photocopied bollocks.
have you played an affinity P before mike? just curious if you could compare the two basses. from what i'm seeing these CVs are basically like the old MIM Standards, and i rocked an MIM standard J-Bass for years.
I'm sure they have plenty in Guitar Centre, go play one. We don't have the equivalent massive guitar shop here in England, I'd love it for trying new stuff out.
At a guitar shop I go to they had a CV Jazz bass and the tort was quite nice, a whole lot better in person.+Mike wrote:I didn't try it because I didn't want to like it, because the Tort is disgusting. Really shite photocopied bollocks.
Well, it's not that bad considering other tort's are way worse, but I've never seen it close up...Mike wrote:It's not. I've seen it close up, it was in person I made my judgement.
It's fucking hideous, and the fact you could tolerate it indicates that you have the aesthetic appreciation of a sea slug.