I was going to say that I'd heard the jag comment somewhere before but I guess it was here when this thread was originally made.
I used to love NOFX. I still like them but I was a major fanboy for quite a while. Everything from White Trash.. to The Decline (including both) is very good. Oustide of those releases they're pretty shaky.
There's no doubting they're a pop-punk band, though. They're pretty much the template for a lot of bands that came after and alongside them.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:18 pm
by rlm2112
"I Heard They Suck Live" is a great album. I'm not a big punk person, but NOFX is a damn good band.
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:45 pm
by hilaryroe
from when we saw them on warped last year
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:54 am
by Leisureclub
They did a show on fusetv(i didn't have that channel at the time) and it was like 3 episodes, centered around a world tour they did. Some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:06 am
by serfx
if you get a chance watch the dvd of backstage passport
plus the bonus features, the second disk of outtakes is longer then all the episodes combined, but so awesome.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:16 am
by Leisureclub
i'll bet, I loved the 10 years of fucking up video they put out in the mid 90's or whenever that was.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:58 am
by Dave
I defy anyone not to have the greatest couple of minutes of variable speed dancing to 'bob' off White trash. Whole album is ace. I kinda see pop punk as being largly defined as those bands copying the early green day template (and billy joe mannerism mr Sum 41 bloke) but with less testicles or skill. That sound got watered right down to avril levign. Fuck some anonymous songwriters and thier empty puppets.
Nofx and that whole thing my social circle always knew as skate punk back in the 90's. Christ Offspring used to be good I'd almost forgotten. Second biggest sellouts after Metallica.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:02 am
by NickS
Black Cat Bone wrote:Offspring used to be good I'd almost forgotten. Second biggest sellouts after Metallica.
I really felt that at Christmas when a shop was selling sun-glasses-and-Santa-hat-wearing polar bear toys that bopped and played a tinny version of "Pretty Fly".
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:36 pm
by Dave
NickS wrote:
Black Cat Bone wrote:Offspring used to be good I'd almost forgotten. Second biggest sellouts after Metallica.
I really felt that at Christmas when a shop was selling sun-glasses-and-Santa-hat-wearing polar bear toys that bopped and played a tinny version of "Pretty Fly".
That was the real nadir of their musical output. Ha ha ha ha velly funny reverse racism there Meester Offspreeng because I see you make joke about all white guys have no soul and can't dance because obviously all black people automatically have soul and can't help dancing and being bling and that har har har getfuckedyounoxiouscunts AND it was just a rip off their own Come Out And Play off of Smash...which is a great album from start to finish for pure driving hookyness. Seriously I hate them for what they became.
I hate Metallica for it too but then again they are clearly all so fucked mentally and so distanced from reality hating on them seems as cruel as beating up a spastic for his lolly-pop.
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:06 pm
by Dave
NickSI wrote: really felt that at Christmas when a shop was selling sun-glasses-and-Santa-hat-wearing polar bear toys that bopped and played a tinny version of "Pretty Fly".
The more I think about it that sounds like the most hardcore concentration of selloutness in one single object I've ever heard of.. It could be used to create a sell-out singularity and bust open the dimensional portal to Hell itself perhaps?
How much were these abominations?
Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:11 pm
by stewart
i wondered what the link was between that song and a drumming polar bear... then i remembered what colour polar bears are.