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Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:38 am
by hotrodperlmutter

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:21 am
by Sparky
endsjustifymeans wrote:Too bad this doesn't come in shortscale...


because that green is Hot.

I own that bass and absolutely LOVE IT. I sold a '67 Hagstrom XII and used some of the money from that for this.


What a solid bass! Not only is the color gorgeous, everything is of the utmost quality and it sounds FANTASTIC! Right now it's at my girlfriend's house for her amusement in [possibly] learning to play bass.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:23 am
by endsjustifymeans
that green is amazing. looks even better in the sun.

Sweet bass dude. If I didn't have wee sausages for arms I'd buy one in a second for as cheap as they are.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:23 am
by Mages
dude these pseudo-melody makers rule. they're like almost an original design.


$250 though. ((thumbsdown))

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:32 am
by RubitsMan
endsjustifymeans wrote:
robert(original) wrote:there are 3 folks in town that have sx instruments, all of them are basses oddly enough.
one fellow got a 70's styled jazz bass(BADASS!)
another guy got a p-bass, and a jazzbass, and "fenderized" the headstocks(badass...)
another fellow has a mini jazz bass, im not sure of the scale, the quility is good, but the action blows, the neck needs tweaked, new strings, intonation and the board needs oiled, but thats from him, not from sx.
overal, they are most definitly worth the money.
The mini basses are 30" scale. I'm going to get a pink p-bass short scale from them once I'm happy with my guitar setup. IE... never.
I just got the blue one, going to be modding it up as soon as I get some spending cash to put into it. I'm actually planning on painting it shell pink, I had no idea they already sold pink ones though, oh well no turning back now.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:54 am
by endsjustifymeans
RubitsMan wrote:
endsjustifymeans wrote:
robert(original) wrote:there are 3 folks in town that have sx instruments, all of them are basses oddly enough.
one fellow got a 70's styled jazz bass(BADASS!)
another guy got a p-bass, and a jazzbass, and "fenderized" the headstocks(badass...)
another fellow has a mini jazz bass, im not sure of the scale, the quility is good, but the action blows, the neck needs tweaked, new strings, intonation and the board needs oiled, but thats from him, not from sx.
overal, they are most definitly worth the money.
The mini basses are 30" scale. I'm going to get a pink p-bass short scale from them once I'm happy with my guitar setup. IE... never.
I just got the blue one, going to be modding it up as soon as I get some spending cash to put into it. I'm actually planning on painting it shell pink, I had no idea they already sold pink ones though, oh well no turning back now.
It's a cool pink too. Very slightly metallic.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:08 am
by paul_
I have the banana creme "vintage white" version of the same bass, Sparky.

The pickup routes are badly cut and the nut is half-assed but otherwise coo. Going to shield it and replace pickups soon, have wired in covers in meantime.

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:36 am
by Sparky
paul_ wrote:I have the banana creme "vintage white" version of the same bass, Sparky.

The pickup routes are badly cut and the nut is half-assed but otherwise coo. Going to shield it and replace pickups soon, have wired in covers in meantime.
I have never taken the pickguard off of this *GASP*, but it doesn't really matter much. Oh, and the nut on mine is a-okay. The only thing that needed adjusting was the action, which was quite easy.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:43 am
by paul_
Yeah I just meant on mine, a friend got a rondo p-bass that was nicer too. I also had to fiddle with the action. I really like that bass, must mess with it some more.