There's a guy selling a Sunn bass cab in craigslist near me. It's an 18" and two 15". The thing is fucking wrote:15" cabs are so nice for bass much yummy mids, i got a 4x10" ampeg cab when i was still playing bass in a band and though i liked it just fine, i found with my old ampeg 15" combo you could get this sound..i dunno, maybe it's just my bad taste but i thought because it didn't sound so 'sterile' as 10" it sounded more..not dirty..but like, more mids so more growl..i can't describe it. always lusted after some sort of 15" + 12" setup though, that would be perfect for bass, i think there's mesa cabs that have it in one cab ? i'm not a tool fan but his setup i could kill for. cept for the 'modern' wal bass.
I find 15" have a looser rumbly bass/mid note while 10"s are punchier and more like a slap in the face. Both good, But I favor the sound of 15"s. for guitar too actually.