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Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:50 pm
by Gavin
This is almost exactly what I'm wanting to do to my tele rip-off. Except I want to stay with the white finish.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:47 pm
by More Cowbell
Mike wrote:Your post made it seem like you laid clear in a day. A day is not enough time to lay enough coats.

You should also do like Joey says and spray with the body flat horizontal, screws in neck pocket etc. Takes longer as you have to flip the body every day or so but you get a much higher quality finish.
Most of the time you want to lay all the clear in one day...with the right clear and of course the right weather.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:05 pm
by holyCATS1415
More Cowbell wrote:
Mike wrote:Your post made it seem like you laid clear in a day. A day is not enough time to lay enough coats.

You should also do like Joey says and spray with the body flat horizontal, screws in neck pocket etc. Takes longer as you have to flip the body every day or so but you get a much higher quality finish.
Most of the time you want to lay all the clear in one day...with the right clear and of course the right weather.
one day is fine if you have the right equipment. re-ranch kind of sucks though. rattle cans aren't the best things to use for a nice even coat.
HVLP is the best way to go, but its expensive to get the proper set up.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:11 am
by Mike
More Cowbell wrote:
Mike wrote:Your post made it seem like you laid clear in a day. A day is not enough time to lay enough coats.

You should also do like Joey says and spray with the body flat horizontal, screws in neck pocket etc. Takes longer as you have to flip the body every day or so but you get a much higher quality finish.
Most of the time you want to lay all the clear in one day...with the right clear and of course the right weather.
Erm... no. How exactly are you going to do that? With the guitar hanging vertically?

Crap results.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:21 pm
by More Cowbell
Mike wrote:
More Cowbell wrote:
Mike wrote:Your post made it seem like you laid clear in a day. A day is not enough time to lay enough coats.

You should also do like Joey says and spray with the body flat horizontal, screws in neck pocket etc. Takes longer as you have to flip the body every day or so but you get a much higher quality finish.
Most of the time you want to lay all the clear in one day...with the right clear and of course the right weather.
Erm... no. How exactly are you going to do that? With the guitar hanging vertically?

Crap results.
Every Guitar I've ever painted has been done this way. I attach a stick/piece of wood to the neck pocket and hang it/turn it/flip it/whatever in many light coats in the period of one day...Using Nitro. Did Reece's Jazzy w/humbuckers clear coat look like shite @ doogfest? Thats how I did that one.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:22 pm
by Mike
Yeah it was total balls.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:29 pm
by More Cowbell


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:30 pm
by Mike
See, look at that patch on the contour on the back shot. Looks like crap.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:30 pm
by Reece

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:32 pm
by More Cowbell
Mike wrote:See, look at that patch on the contour on the back shot. Looks like crap.
Thats just the body not being sanding perfectly flat and even, as it was done by hand...but my point is about the "clear coat", you can see your face in it...sprayed in one day. Had I spent loads of time on "sanding" the body before painting/clear coating, then it would of turned out better. But the clear coat turned out really nice I think for a rattle can and having ZERO experience in painting guitars.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:35 pm
by Mike
More Cowbell wrote:
Mike wrote:See, look at that patch on the contour on the back shot. Looks like crap.
Thats just the body not being sanding perfectly flat and even, as it was done by hand...but my point is about the "clear coat", you can see your face in it...sprayed in one day. Had I spent loads of time on "sanding" the body before painting/clear coating, then it would of turned out better. But the clear coat turned out really nice I think for a rattle can and having ZERO experience in painting guitars.
I was actually making a joke about the reflection, dufus.

It does look nice, but I'm amazed you got those results with
a) one day of spraying
b) vertical spraying

I would say you lucked out, most people will have drips aplenty and vastly uneven coverage using that method.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:39 pm
by More Cowbell
Mike wrote:
More Cowbell wrote:
Mike wrote:See, look at that patch on the contour on the back shot. Looks like crap.
Thats just the body not being sanding perfectly flat and even, as it was done by hand...but my point is about the "clear coat", you can see your face in it...sprayed in one day. Had I spent loads of time on "sanding" the body before painting/clear coating, then it would of turned out better. But the clear coat turned out really nice I think for a rattle can and having ZERO experience in painting guitars.
I was actually making a joke about the reflection, dufus.

It does look nice, but I'm amazed you got those results with
a) one day of spraying
b) vertical spraying

I would say you lucked out, most people will have drips aplenty and vastly uneven coverage using that method.
I KNOW you are joking, but the newer members will take your word over mine anyday, so I thought I better prove I know what I'm talking about.

I didn't exactly paint it hanging vertical, I held it on that stick when spraying and was able to position it on my work bench so that I could spray the top and back of it horizontal to the ground so that the clear would lay flat, I did the sides of it first, with very very light coats on the top and back vertical, then did the back and front last, using alot of coats. I think I went through 2 cans of Nitro clear. (DEFT brand) $5 a can.

The most important part was to wait atleast a week before wetsanding and polishing it.

I wetsand with baby oil, as water can go into holes like your pickguard screw holes/etc and the wood will soak it up and the paint will bubble/split and baby oil will not. less friction.

Wetsanding and polishing is the key to a great finish.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:35 pm
by robroe
hahah i wouldn't take mikes word over anyone. hes a salty motherfucker or so Nan says

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:42 pm
by Gavin
At Doogfest we all did tequila shots, first we had to lick Mike, then take a shot, then had a suck on Stewart's sour puss.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:47 pm
by stewart
i'm surprised you remember, given the amount of time you spent crashed out unconscious on the floor.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:03 pm
by holyCATS1415
spraying vertical is 100% fine. thats how many luthiers do it. it wont drip unless your spraying incorrectly. keep an even distance (about 7 1/2, inches) and spray light and consistently. and doing it in one day is also 100% fine. your supposed to spray an even coat, wait an hour and then do another layer until its coated to your specifications. each layer of nitro that you spray melts the layer underneath it.
it doesn't need to be a week long process. you can do color one day and clear the next (with nitro).

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:44 pm
by Mike
stewart wrote:i'm surprised you remember, given the amount of time you spent crashed out unconscious on the floor.
haha BURN.

I was spraying Acylic lacquer, so maybe the rules are different, but it took frigging ages to finish my Duo Sonic.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:16 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
you think auto body painters paint all their shit laying down? hell no. you hang them from the ceiling of the paint booth.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:37 pm
by More Cowbell
Mike wrote:
stewart wrote:i'm surprised you remember, given the amount of time you spent crashed out unconscious on the floor.
haha BURN.

I was spraying Acylic lacquer, so maybe the rules are different, but it took frigging ages to finish my Duo Sonic.
Try ACRYLIC next time. :P

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:23 am
by Gavin
Mike wrote:
stewart wrote:i'm surprised you remember, given the amount of time you spent crashed out unconscious on the floor.
haha BURN.

I was spraying Acylic lacquer, so maybe the rules are different, but it took frigging ages to finish my Duo Sonic.
Legitimate burn indeed. :oops: