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Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:32 pm
by endsjustifymeans
lank81 wrote:
dots wrote:and before you drop $100 on a duncan lil humbucker, take a look at gfs' single-spaced hb's. there's one called the "lil killer" that comes in vintage, modern, and lead frequency response styles. for $25, that's worth a try maybe.
I say spending 25$ and giving it a shot is well worth it. If it doesn't fit my needs I'll sell it / trade it somewhere and get a Duncan little, unless I can route out the guitar and just put in a full JB. I don't know that I feel like getting in to that much trouble. Definitely going to check out the GFS. Thanks a bunch.

I keep thinking I'm supposed to click on your name...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:40 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
i think a duo with a slanted bridge jb would be fucking rad. KURTSZONIC

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:50 pm
by lank81
robroe wrote:i put sjag-3's in my duo sonic when i frist got it. they were too powerfull for such a small guitar. there just wasn't any clarity to them. so i took them out and put them in my 2002 compstang and put the compstang pickups in the duo sonic. they sound fucking amazing. thats right. stock mustang pickups from japan sound great in my duo sonic. the sjag3's sound great in the compstang by the way. i like the fact that one of my mustangs is a rock monster so i can leave the other one stock.
So many choices. Rob would you be able to send me a clip of you playing clean / dirty? I'd like to make a well educated decision when I do swap out the pups.


Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:56 pm
by robroe
i think i might have a video laying around here somewhere's......ill have to look when i get home from work.

i just recently recorded a video for a song i wrote called "its haloween and im gonna stab you" ill have to upload it.

No Go with the Duo

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:06 pm
by lank81 buddy is going to not do the Duo for Strat deal so I'm looking at finding some nice stuff on the net. I did find a cyclone for 399$ @ GC but haven't played one. How big of a difference is there in the 24.75" scale compared to the 24" scale of a mustang? Other than the Cyclone being a bit thicker and the neck being a tidge longer there doesn't seem to be a huge difference. I hate to buy something and not play it but it is in Indiana. I still need to see about the jacked up Jag as well. I also found some Jag Stangs round 550-599 and a Jag HH for 499 as well as a Jag 62 RI for 549. Surfing and pricing.

Thanks for the help,

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:27 pm
by dots
a '62 ri jag for less than $600 is a no-brainer as long as it hasn't been hacked up and you're ready for what jag ownership entails. if you'd rather not deal with the extra learning curve involved, try the hh as it's setup already how you want. a jag-stang would be cool, too.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:33 pm
by lank81
dots wrote:a '62 ri jag for less than $600 is a no-brainer as long as it hasn't been hacked up and you're ready for what jag ownership entails. if you'd rather not deal with the extra learning curve involved, try the hh as it's setup already how you want. a jag-stang would be cool, too.
Yea, I asked for some pics and info and the Jag RI is only 90 miles away. I can definitely take a weekend ride to check it out, especially @ 549. Still though, I played the HH and heard your demo and if I can grab that at 499$ and it's in good condition then I think I might just do it.


Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:39 pm
by lank81
Think I just found the deal I want - 399$ for a Jag HH in TN and they'll ship. He said everything works fine but there are some scratches like if someone was wearing cuff links when playing. I gotta get some more detail from him. If they are like belt scuffs, no biggie but I need to know a little more.


Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:53 pm
by endsjustifymeans
lank81 wrote:Think I just found the deal I want - 399$ for a Jag HH in TN and they'll ship. He said everything works fine but there are some scratches like if someone was wearing cuff links when playing. I gotta get some more detail from him. If they are like belt scuffs, no biggie but I need to know a little more.

Promising deal.

Sort of wish I picked one of these up when they were $299 or whatever they were for Fender Friday a while ago.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:05 pm
by dots
lank81 wrote:Think I just found the deal I want - 399$ for a Jag HH in TN and they'll ship. He said everything works fine but there are some scratches like if someone was wearing cuff links when playing. I gotta get some more detail from him. If they are like belt scuffs, no biggie but I need to know a little more.

is it the black one like mine or one of the classic players with a trem?

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:12 pm
by lank81
dots wrote:
lank81 wrote:Think I just found the deal I want - 399$ for a Jag HH in TN and they'll ship. He said everything works fine but there are some scratches like if someone was wearing cuff links when playing. I gotta get some more detail from him. If they are like belt scuffs, no biggie but I need to know a little more.

is it the black one like mine or one of the classic players with a trem?
It's the one like yours, not the classic.


Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:28 am
by lank81
It's offical. Next week I'll have my Jag HH in. I've been playing and eye'n them up @ GC and now I'll have one. Unfortunately...not getting the duo but this will be great.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:40 am
by hotrodperlmutter

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:10 am
by Pens
endsjustifymeans wrote:
Pens wrote:
endsjustifymeans wrote: Nothing I've tried by them has been equivalent to the JB. I wasn't overly impressed with their high output PAF either thats in my `51 either. It's good and angry, but that's all it is. I ADORE their Loudmouth's that I had on my Gibby though. Those have tone for days and even sound good and thick and loud when coil split.
The Loudmouths were what I was mostly wondering about. Not liek JB?
I did a demo of the bridge and neck Loudmouth's in my Les Paul through my Sunn Beta Lead.

I gotta warn you, my playing was even more crap then than it is now... and I have no freaking idea how to properly do a demo.
Thanks! Finally got around to listening to this. They sound pretty nice though I'm not sure if that's what I'm after for the Super Sonics... Depending on money I might get one for this Peavey project guitar I've been working away on.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:21 am
by endsjustifymeans
Glad it was at least semi helpful.

I'd definitely buy another one for a bridge... but it's too much of a good thing to have them in bridge and neck. I bet it'd be a good pickup to match with a p-90 neck. Even the coil split loudmouth / P-90 combo would probably be nice sounding.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:45 am
by Pens
endsjustifymeans wrote:Glad it was at least semi helpful.

I'd definitely buy another one for a bridge... but it's too much of a good thing to have them in bridge and neck. I bet it'd be a good pickup to match with a p-90 neck. Even the coil split loudmouth / P-90 combo would probably be nice sounding.
Yeah, well I'm kinda into single pup guitars right now. What I'm planning with the Peavey is a single bridge hum with taps. I'm going to do some experimenting with the pups in the SuperSonic and that, probably get a bridge Loudmouth for the Peavey, and a JB for the SuperSonic. I'd like to one day also do a hardtail Bronco style, basically a Mustang with Jag lowerbout switching and a single humbuck in the bridge, so these two are the prototypes for that to find out if I like having just one pup. Since I pretty much only use the bridge pup 98% of the time I think I'll like it.

Thanks again for the demo.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:42 pm
by MattK
Don't forget "I Want You / She's So Heavy" = P90 in the neck of a Casino. No hollow on the Duo, sure, but that bite is what you want. A Jag HH could do it with a Mean 90. And now - I want to buy some Mean 90s for my Sheraton.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:39 pm
by robroe
i suppose this is a little late since you cant get the guitar anymore but here you go. i have my amp settings set on "exile in guyville"


the song kinda didn't go anywhere because i was aparently supposed to be eating the food that hilary made me instead of playing ? wtf lemmie play mom i don't give a fuck if my chicken gets cold.


changed everything on it pretty much. new pickups, covers, tuners, knobs, pots, wires, the only thing stock left on it is the body, pickguard, neck and bridge

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:48 pm
by Mike
That guitar is fit.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:16 pm
by lank81
MatthewK wrote:Don't forget "I Want You / She's So Heavy" = P90 in the neck of a Casino. No hollow on the Duo, sure, but that bite is what you want. A Jag HH could do it with a Mean 90. And now - I want to buy some Mean 90s for my Sheraton.
Yea, luckily a buddy of mine brought in his Ibanez Artcore which I might purchase for 250$. So I could truly get more near to that sound than with the Jag HH. I enjoyed Dots demo with his Mean 90. Awesome stuff. Definitely going to check out a Dream 90 / Mean 90 combo.