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Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:15 am
by Haze
taylornutt wrote:lava cable kit
Just a heads up, if you want their Right Angled kit you'll have to wait. I ordered one a few weeks ago and Mark [from Lava] informed me that their cables [at the moment] are made to order in batches. So it will take a week or two lead time until you actually get them.
I canceled my order that i had placed from their website and made friends with a local shop owner [] and placed an order for two sets. They are usually really quick about getting them to dealers.

what was this thread originally about? Oh yes, good christmas deals =)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:31 am
by endsjustifymeans
Noirie. wrote:
endsjustifymeans wrote:
Noirie. wrote:Btw, would you also include the grumby wolf + thunder? I remember you saying they hate each other and effing crazy together.

you use the ring mod section much on yours?
Sure, I'll throw it in just for you. I use the ring mod all the time, that's where it's signature "clank" really seems to come from.

For a preview of it though, listen to the song Reece and I did on the Halloween comp. The "noise" in the background is my scraping the strings of my guitar with a metal pick through the Thunder/Grumbly wolf combo. Sounds horribly wonderful.
FUCK! The download links for the comp. aren't working for me :(
Too lazy too upload the whole thing now, but here's a link to Reece and my song.

My setup was an EC Thunder, MBM Fender Blender, and Grumbly Wolf into my Sunn Beta Lead. I was playing my Squier M-80. Reece was an acoustic miced by a pair of headphones he taped onto it.

Oh, and in case you were wondering... vox were distorted by an Arion SD1, the pedal that the Boss DS-1 wishes it was.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 6:41 am
by Reece
i did use a proper mic too

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:23 pm
by Mike
The Classic Vibes are completely fantastic, basically I recommend them to anyone who is after a Fender style guitar.

They have the Bass, Strat, Tele bases all loaded with great options and the Duo-Sonic is a niche winner also. Every time I play my P-Bass it makes me happy.