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Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:08 am
by cobascis
Memory boy is only 20 bucks more, and worth it. Or were you concerned about size?

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:56 pm
by othomas2
I would like a small sized pedal... It's taken me ages to sort out my board.... screwing pedals down, and chopping bits out to make way for leads etc. It's to replace the echohead, so equivalent size would be nice.

Who knows I might just re-shuffle again, but I wasn't meant to be buying more stuff !!!!! :lol:

I tried the carbon copy again today and it really doesn't excite me at all.

I got my refund from the shop today, and a pack of Elixar acoustic strings to cover my return postage x2. They've been pretty good.

I've also just sent an unhappy email to EHX, so I'll se what they have to say.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:18 pm
by othomas2
This is the email I sent EHX, I was meant to re-draft what I wrote but I sent it by accident before doing so.

I was gonna make myself come off less of a wanker throwing his toys out of the pram.



I recently ordered a Memory Toy unit. This was the perfect pedal for
me as I was also hankering for some kind of chorus as well. Having
limited space on my board this was an ideal purchase for me.

On arrival it was faulty straight out of the box.... nothing, other
than the blend knob acted as a reverse volume. Sigh....

So i send this pedal back to the retailer and I ask for a
replacement.... 6 days later I receive another and this too was
faulty with the exact inherent problems.

So now I have to send this one back too, waste half a day packing and
addressing parcels and request a refund and achieve absolutely
nothing in return....

it's almost put me off buying EHX products now, even though I've been
an avid supporter and user in the past.

I wonder if you have a bad batch or some general bad design
flaws ??? ... have faults been reported ??

I thought this pedal was (or so I thought) good value for money. But
for me its been nothing but a headache...

I have been pushing my fellow colleagues in the guitar shop I work
for to take on the EHX line. I'm now kind of skeptical...

I just wanted to vent my frustration & dissatisfaction on this
occasion, and thought it may be in your interest for me to pass this
information onto you.

Hopefully this problem can be addressed in future.

many thanks


Hello Owen,
We are very sorry for the problems that you have had with the Memory Toy.
We did have a bad run of them. The problem has been sorted out and we had to do a design change and we had to modify the interior boards a little bit.
In the future you can send the pedals directly to us and we can either repair or replace or in this case, modify the unit for you.
We hope that your next EH experience is a positive one!
Thanks for taking the time to write.

I do notice on the second version (& not on the first) they used a piece of spongy material, to hold the detachable circuit board in place. If you remember my first pedal had become detached and if the second had been o.k. this is exactly what I would have done.

I got my Elixir acoustic strings today & now going to use the original purchase money to buy a Diago power supply, so i can use all my pedals I own together.

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:27 pm
by Yarko
I watched a video of EHX's factory and they claimed to individually test each of their pedals. Must have been lying.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:03 am
by Skip
sad they didn't offer you a small token t-shirt or something small to make you feel like they at least
seemed like a very generic response

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:59 am
by othomas2
Skip wrote:sad they didn't offer you a small token t-shirt or something small to make you feel like they at least
seemed like a very generic response
Yeah, I was kinda fishing for somethin' but it didn't happen... oh well.... I guess a reply nowadays is thought to be adequate.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:18 pm
by paul_
othomas2 wrote:
Skip wrote:sad they didn't offer you a small token t-shirt or something small to make you feel like they at least
seemed like a very generic response
Yeah, I was kinda fishing for somethin' but it didn't happen... oh well.... I guess a reply nowadays is thought to be adequate.
Mention free t-shirt next time. It feels slimy, but it always works. Having a t-shirt printed is the first thing a company does and yet the last product they unload.

There was a book in the 90s called "Idiot Letters" which spawned numerous imitations and sequels... on each left page was a letter the author (Paul Rosa) had written to different companies expressing some sort of dissatisfaction, creating an outlandish anecdote regarding their products OR just saying hello. On the corresponding right side page was their reply. In every single letter after the 3rd or 4th (when he began receiving the odd free t-shirt for writing) he began closing the letters with requests for a free t-shirt or bumper sticker, and he always got 'em. My favorite letter was one to the M&M's company saying a bear had smelled his M&M's while he was camping and ripped his arm off, and while he was now pretty much over it he thought they should change their slogan to the more sensitive "The milk chocolate that melts in your mouth... not in your hand/s [if you have any]."
He got a free M&M's shirt.

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:03 am
by Skip
plus the fact that if they give you a T shirt-- you are advertising for them for free---- :wink: