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Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:03 pm
by gpselmer
fair price, but eact time I played an epiphone and compared it to other japanese brands, I always found the other brand to be a better deal...

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:41 am
by KS11
had an epiphone sg400 too in black, that guitar just never grew on me as i thought it would. the pickups sounded muddy on my amp (at the store it was fine through a marshall).

i changed the pickups to golden age humbuckers and it was too bright. also it was uncomfortable with the neck being heavier and dragging the guitar down when i play with it standing it

i admit though, that these are the inherent characteristics of the SG, some people love it, and some people hate it, just wasn't my cup of tea.

congrats though for the puchase, it's a top quality instrument that had nothing wrong with it when i owned mine (other than my personal preferences)

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:17 pm
by Rayjaysonic
KS11 wrote: also it was uncomfortable with the neck being heavier and dragging the guitar down when i play with it standing it
I have got an idea for that......the sticky strap!!! Stitch some velcro to the strap and to the shoulder of my shirt....although I would have to wear the same shirt every time I played the SG.....hmmmm needs work I think! How about an SG harness with 2 starps, one over each shoulder??? :wink: