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Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:12 am
by Bacchus
I like the looks of that. There's a bit of me that thinks it would looks awesome of the other bits were a different looking too, like if the knobs and switch were different. The switch on my Westone Prestige 117 is black, but it's slightly taller than normal and kind of squared. I think a white/cream one would look amazing on this guitar, but I dunno where you one could be got.

I think these knobs would look great:


Basically, It'd look awesome if everything looked Fender but not, just like the G&L's. I suppose the headstock could do with being a different shape too, maybe.

Fuckit, I'm talking nonsense, it looks great, and maybe once you start going down the road of obsessing like I'm doing, you end up in trouble, because you want impossible things.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:22 pm
by eurotrashed
I did have witchhats on it.

If anything gets changed, it will be a vintage trem.

This was the original plan for it but then I kept the chrome


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:01 am
by KS11
eurotrashed wrote:shit recording. Shit playing, but I love the sound
nice and twangy, not that meaty, although interesting to hear you play dino jr on it, "blowin it" heh

the pickups sound too "trebly" even on your 250k pots, have you tired using the rythmn circuit with it even though you dont like it?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:18 pm
by eurotrashed
rhythm circuit should sound more treble as it is a 1 meg volume pot up there still. I even ran 250k pots with Jag pickups and the rhythm circuit was brighter.

It sounds no more trebley than a normal Jag

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:46 pm
by jcyphe
That looks slick.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:47 am
by eurotrashed
jcyphe wrote:That looks slick.