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Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:33 am
by Dice
Thanks Haze! I'm up in Montana... I haven't been to OK since I was at Ft. Sill for a few months of Army training back in 2003. Where do you guys usually do meets?
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:57 am
by hotrodperlmutter
i was hoping to organize something at my new digs in Kansas City, MO (n00bfest2k10), but it's not looking like it's going to happen this year (sorry, matt, i should've updated you sooner). i'll be getting married in october, and the pending nuptials have everything more stressed out than it should be, and i have a feeling that cutting loose with shortscale's up-and-comers wouldn't sit right with the boss.
i will say that as of now, next may (2011) would be prime time. everything will have settled down, and i'll have earned enough credibility to justify annihilating it on a weekend of loud music, local bar scene (hazemms will be 21, no?), general chaos and debauchery.
not sure who i could even get to make the journey as i'm apparently the most hated*, but anyone from anywhere would be more than welcome. we've got a full basement (unfinished, but plenty of room for air mattresses, regular mattresses, etc), and an endlessly epic backyard for camping.
Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 5:10 am
by Dice
Sweet. Who knows where I'll be at by then. Hopefully I'll have a job and some freakin' money by then and be able to take a vacation! (pending approval from the boss. Before you tie the knot - my only advice is... "RUUUNN!!!").
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:47 pm
by Narco Martenot
Fantastic colour!