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Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:24 pm
by Bacchus
It is very pretty. I usually love mint on Sonic Blue, but I dunno about here. I think it works well for being kind of light looking. White pearl maybe, even though everyone hates it.
benecol wrote:<this space left free for expandy eye emoticon which freezes computers so I shan't put it in>
Can this become the norm around here?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:43 pm
by Addam
This is actually in my local music shop, I went in and saw it nearly 2 weeks ago.
It didn't have a price tag on it so I assumed it was sold.
I was lusting after the 1972 Les Paul they had too much to take that much notice.
Those pictures make it look very pale, but in the flesh was more of a greenish sonic blue.