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Will your mum stay clean over a drummer? *SNIGGER!*

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:09 pm
by George
mrperson wrote:You should be fine, you can always muck around with valve types. I've used 12AT7s and 12AU7s to clean up amps before - it does work.
I've thought about it but heard it only makes the amp quieter so your volume knob shows less break up but in reality the output is just lower. Did you still maintain the amp's overall volume afterwards?

I'd also recommend a more efficient higher rated wattage speaker and under-biasing your power tubes a touch.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:30 pm
by Gabriel
It just made the Peavey I put different valves in cleaner. It was one of the windsors, they were super hi gain though and it gave me a clean sound that didn't break up easily. The effect probably depends on the amplifier I guess.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:50 pm
by AaronGuitarDude
40 watts is enough to play with a drummer. the more wattage it has, the more clean headroom it has. i've borrowed my mate's ac15, it's enough to play with a loud drummer and do mic it of course. :D