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Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:24 pm
by lorez
no worries simon but its worth considering a lot.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:39 pm
by George
I highly doubt it's just to do with firewire. This sort of thing actually happens frequently with all music software and technology. The OS's change and companies like Mackie and other music-ee companies are too behind on the curve to update and make their products compatible. It's certainly NOT Apple or Microsoft's (or firewire's) fault - I would point the blame at Mackie here. Some companies are still only JUST offering full 64 bit Windows 7 support for their products fgs.

Best thing to do is to check the support page and ask the suppliers if it's compatible. Chances are a large amount of firewire devices will be fine.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:00 pm
by Simon
George wrote:I highly doubt it's just to do with firewire. This sort of thing actually happens frequently with all music software and technology. The OS's change and companies like Mackie and other music-ee companies are too behind on the curve to update and make their products compatible. It's certainly NOT Apple or Microsoft's (or firewire's) fault - I would point the blame at Mackie here. Some companies are still only JUST offering full 64 bit Windows 7 support for their products fgs.

Best thing to do is to check the support page and ask the suppliers if it's compatible. Chances are a large amount of firewire devices will be fine.
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I realise that it's probably Mackie's fault. The interface is now discontinued so that tells you all you need to know really. Just wish I'd been a bit more aware of the craic before spending the money on it.

I'm just a bit bitter really :(

I was under the impression that Apple were trying to phase Firewire out though. They didn't even include it on the latest Macbooks did they?

They did a Firewire driver rollback which didn't work. This was about 3 years ago now though!

I get on fine with the one half of the interface that actually works and stays connected to my Mac. Works fine for the type of thing I do. Which is mostly bedroom recordings and taking it to our practice room to record new ideas and stuff.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:11 pm
by Bacchus
Simon wrote:I was under the impression that Apple were trying to phase Firewire out though. They didn't even include it on the latest Macbooks did they?
They started phasing it out but brought it back with the current run of MBP's. They're pushing something called Thunderbolt or similar at the minute, which sounds impressive.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:46 am
by izodiak
I have the latest MBP, and it has Firewire 800 and an Thunderbolt (which is quite awesome.. 10gbit transfer rate or something like that)
I think they wont discontinue the FW because lot of studios and bands have bought huge piles of hardware for that, and video editing etc..
well I think it wont disappear quickly. ... -interface
This is what I wanted to show You : ) Seems really great.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:48 am
by lorez
i just found out I might be able to up the OS to leopard which should make it easier for any software purchases.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:51 am
by izodiak
For example, if You have older OS, then You can use it with older Firewire, as the guy with the Mackie said..the drivers would click.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:40 pm
by lorez
I have to send a thank you for George for the interface that arrived today and I'm now getting to grips with Reaper. I've also been reading Georges recent threads about monitors as well and been taking notes.

Thanks everyone for your help

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:06 pm
by broomhandle
firewire drivers on the mac are built into the OS. after all firewire is a apple/sony adventure. you might have a OS issue.

are you on mac or PC?