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Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:16 am
by Dogma Hollow
Our other guitar player has a Mark V 1x12 combo, and it sounds really good. It restored my faith in Mesa that had been destroyed by the Rectifier series. Also plenty loud enough in a small room to keep up with my K55 through a 4x12.

He ran it through my cab one night, and it was a night & day difference between the tones of the open-back combo vs the closed-back cab (well duh...but they were both really good is my point). With just the combo he could get some awesome crisp, bluesy tones out of it. Through the cab it could melt your face if you wanted it to, nice and thick, but with a lot of good definition, even when driven heavily.

I'd consider buying one if I'm ever in the market for a new amp, even if the price is a little prohibitive for me. I'd say this is a case with Mesa where you do get your money's worth though. Nice pickup dude.