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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:10 am
by HNB
Mine was a DOD Bass Grunge pedal. h8mtv has it now. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:35 am
by h8mtv
I got a regular Grunge and a Small Stone with my birthday cash when I was prob 13.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:50 am
by mixtape
A Zoom 505 I got for Christmas when I was 12. I still have it, although my Digitech RP255 is getting a lot more use these days.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:07 am
by mkt3000
DOD FX55B... I don't even remember if I liked it or not

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:26 am
by wwrrss

Rocktek Metal Worker!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:13 am
by lorez
my first pedal love was a DOD Classic Fuzz


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:36 am
by benecol

After years of wittering on about this, and Stewart gallantly turning out his garage to find what he thought was the right pedal, I've found it!

My first pedal was a Frontline Heavy Metal Distortion. I appear to have repressed the 'Heavy Metal' part of its name. I'm going to buy one.


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:53 am
by Dave
Late 80's/early 90's RAT and a Zoom 2020. Wish I still had the RAT, didn't really know my arse from my elbow back then.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:00 am
by dezb1
DS-1 clone


Still have it...

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:34 am
by ekwatts
Digitech RP200, this exact model right here:


I liked it at the time. I could play at night with headphones in, most importantly. And then I could use the horrendous metal distortion flange nightmares to drown out other guitarists at school and college.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:43 am
by NickD
lorez wrote:my first pedal love was a DOD Classic Fuzz

My first pedal was a DOD Classic Fuzz.

Followed by a 70s MXR D+ for a tenner. Still got that but sold the DOD

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:43 am
by Mike

I bought this for £20. I should have kept it, I gave it to a friend. It has some value now.

it's shit though, really, really shit.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:52 am
by Freddy V-C
Danelectro Black Licorice:


I just wanted a distortion pedal of some sort, and for some reason this seemed like the best option. It was in no way a good distortion, but you could get some cool squealy noises out of it. My friend Tom bought it off me for £5, and I think he still has it.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:57 am
by Benmurray85
boss dd3 still have it. not particularly interesting or exotic but it does everything you want and its built like a tank

my second pedal was a black russian big muff i got for 12 quid and sold it early ebay days for about 6 quid. sometimes i cry myself to sleep looking at the prices they go for now.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:29 pm
by Doog
ekwatts wrote:Image

I thiiiiiiink it was the DOD Metal Maniac.. that or the Korg G1; my memory is understandably hazy. I had a DS-2 at two different times, but I don't think t'was my first..


OR THE DOD STEREO CHORUS, I remember using that with my first 2 amps:


Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:34 pm
by ekwatts
Not surprised at the number of DOD pedals in here. My brother always seemed to have tons of them when I was a kid. All broken/shit.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:35 pm
by dezb1
Mike wrote:Image

I bought this for £20. I should have kept it, I gave it to a friend. It has some value now.

it's shit though, really, really shit.
One of my favorite pedal it's a mainstay of my pedalboard... a shoegaze classic.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:42 pm
by lorez
ekwatts wrote:Not surprised at the number of DOD pedals in here. My brother always seemed to have tons of them when I was a kid. All broken/shit.
if you are of a certain age for a while they were the only affordable pedals in the UK other than Boss

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:43 pm
by Johno
dezb1 wrote:
Mike wrote:Image

I bought this for £20. I should have kept it, I gave it to a friend. It has some value now.

it's shit though, really, really shit.
One of my favorite pedal it's a mainstay of my pedalboard... a shoegaze classic.
I have one , sounds great for playing along to Jesu records. I like running it after a fuzz face.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:48 pm
by Doog
I think most of our 'Jesus, that pedal sounded awful' memories have gottttta be shaped by the crappy amps and maverick EQ settings we all used in our early days.

Part of me really wants to pick up a Metal Maniac, if mainly because I can't remember what it sounded like and the Youtube videos of it are ballzzzzzzzz.

I remember it being kinda fuzzy, but maybe it just indeed sound like ballzzzzzz.