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Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:30 pm
by Ankhanu
sp3k wrote:sonicstate has some demos on the youtube page
Ooh, those are MUCH better. The MO-2 went from "hmm, that might be useful, but I can't tell" to "ooh, that sounds pretty cool!". The TE-2 is also more interesting than I thought it was.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:06 pm
by sp3k
Ankhanu wrote:
Ooh, those are MUCH better. The MO-2 went from "hmm, that might be useful, but I can't tell" to "ooh, that sounds pretty cool!". The TE-2 is also more interesting than I thought it was.
the MO-2 trys to do pog sounds, but it doesn't sound that good in the demo, actually the boss ps3 setting that does detune and pitch shifting sounds better then the sounds he does on the demo. It could be better then it seams though. If it's cheap, under 90 euros or something, I guess it's worth, but i doubt it...

I really didn't understand how the delay works, it seams unpredictable, and I bet it's no going to be that cheap. But I would really like to try one. I'm a sucker for delay+ps stuff!

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:50 pm
by Ankhanu
I'm guessing they're in the $130-150 range, which I suppose is about your 90E.
Yeah, they're not amazing, but they are interesting. I can see using the more organ like sounds of the MO-2 in my band... I'd love a POG, but, they're prohibitively expensive.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:59 pm
by sp3k
I just don't get it. Why does boss insist in doing this shit demos and publicity stuff?
if the pedals were made by electro harmonix, and the demos were from pro guitar shop or someone that actually knows how to do them, people would be going crazy about these...

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:04 am
by sp3k
roland also has some new pedals for some new pickup thing they have, I don't understand if you have to use the pickup or not.

once again, these the demos sound made for hair metal players or something like that, It's really hard to watch, but the space thing can probably do really cool stuff



edit: fuck embedding, I'm doing this the Robroe way

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:13 am
by sp3k
Ankhanu wrote:I'm guessing they're in the $130-150 range, which I suppose is about your 90E.
Yeah, they're not amazing, but they are interesting. I can see using the more organ like sounds of the MO-2 in my band... I'd love a POG, but, they're prohibitively expensive.

Nah, boss also uses the fender european conversion 1euro - 1dollar

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:15 am
by Sloan
I don't know how any of this bumfuckery works, where the fuck is Johnny DeMarco? He would show us exactly what the fuck is going on.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:58 am
by Concretebadger
The TE-2 looks intriguing, but it's hard to tell since I'm listening through laptop speakers atm so it's bound to sound shit. Regardless of the other offerings from them over the years, I've always liked Boss digidelays so I can't not be at least vaguely interested in that one.

But yeah, what the hell is up with those demo vids.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:34 am
by Ankhanu
PGS demo of the TE-2


Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:11 am
by luciguci
Now that is a good fucking demo. I hope they do the other two pedals. The DA-2 distortion sounds like it could sound good in the right hands.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:33 pm
by Concretebadger
That demo is much better (and I have my hi-fi speakers set up again...yay).

The only problem with the Tera Echo is I'd love it until someone famous starts to use it as part of 'their' signature which point I'd feel the need to stop using it to stop sounding like them. It's very distinctive, but I don't know whether the 'honeymoon' period would cloud my judgement too much.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:01 pm
by stewart
Ankhanu wrote:PGS demo of the TE-2

good demo, but don't think this pedal really does much for me.

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:32 pm
by ekwatts
It's nice that they're trying new things, but Boss are just Boss. They aren't boss.

(See what I did there?)

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:04 pm
by Ro S
I think Boss pedals aren't that great, and some are pretty crap for their money. Boss is a brand in trouble.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:14 am
by johnnyseven
The delay and reverb sounds that come out of it seem pretty good but I don't need whoosing, raygun sounds coming out of my delay pedal. Get rid of those and I would be more interested.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:06 pm
by ekwatts
Ro S wrote:Boss is a brand in trouble.
lol what

The fact almost all other brands are measured against Boss pedals, particularly in terms of build, suggests they are doing just fine. I don't particularly like them either, but that's just personal opinion. Not everyone needs a guitar-synced synth oscillator or an octave pedal that makes organ sounds (in fact, I'm not sure I need them either). For those people, Boss pedals are just fine and dandy.

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:06 pm
by NickS
Fair play, Eric. You can see they're in trouble from this pic:
► Show Spoiler
It's the end, I tell you!

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:10 pm
by paul_
Sloan wrote: where the fuck is Johnny DeMarco? He would show us exactly what the fuck is going on.
+1, if I have to hear another hack singletone his way through a video, I swear...

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:43 pm
by Concretebadger
I don't have access to sales figures, but I have no reason to believe that Boss are a company in trouble. There are a lot of things that are good about their compact pedal design:
1. They're rugged and reliable
2. The bypass is buffered, but it doesn't suck treble
3. The 9V power socket is now an 'industry standard' and doesn't introduce noise when daisy-chained (twin pedals are a different matter, e.g. the RE-20)
4. The pedalboard footprint is conveniently small
5. They're affordable
6. Connected to point #6: this makes them decent value for money

I will agree that the business model could be improved to be more in line with how the industry is today. Some of the 'COSM' compacts, like that AC30 emulator, are lacklustre and the range is quite large with a lot of overlapping features and functions. Their 'forward-looking' MO means that they never reissue classic models, which is a bit of a missed opportunity IMO. As neat as the Tera Echo is, they could start making RV-3s again with no problem. DD-3 with a tap tempo feature to appeal to people who want a digidelay without the myriad of modes of the DD-5 and after? What about the 'Slowdive in a box' PS-2? Reissue that with a better S/N ratio (as is, all the glitchy self-oscillating fun with less hiss) and again, I reckon it would sell.

We've seen ProCo do a reissue RAT with the old chip and so forth, so what's to stop Boss doing a special edition MIJ DS-1? The prices on the second-hand market prove that the demand for vintage-spec units is there. Sure, the current model is fine for average Joes and Janes who want a dirtbox for less than fifty quid, but purists and tone hounds would happily pay twice that for TEH KURTZ.

In short, Roland are making a few mistakes that may or may not come back to bite them later on, but unless a Boss dealer has sales figures that prove otherwise, I don't see them being 'in trouble' just yet.

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:10 am
by Ro S
I find that the competition beats Boss on price and sound. I don't think Boss pedals are very good value for money. Their dirt pedals are generally poor comparatively. Many makes are up there now on the build quality. There are so many makes and pedals available nowadays, Boss just doesn't cut the mustard in my book.