Saw a couple amps on Craigslist...

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Post by torchindy »

I have owned both.
As stated, the twin is ultra-clean, which makes the master volume into just a 'suck' knob since it serves no purpose. If you want to hear the pure sound if your pedals, this is the amp. If you want amp drive, though, the AC30 is absolutely killer. Creamy, dynamic, and snarly. With a master on an AC you'll be able to bring that drive down in volume a bit which is awesome. The cleans on an AC30 are great too, and the nearly-A-class operation makes it bring out all the harmonics in your playing while the twin is more about the fundamental note of the string. Although the AC30, even at its cleanest, retains a very slight edge to its sound like it's just about to break up, which makes it awesome for dirt pedals and fuzzes.

Had both, still have the AC30.