daftsupernova wrote:i just ordered a behringer heavy metal, it should come by monday or tuesday. gonna do some drone for my lofi/drone/noise side project i recently started
this one is next on my list.
the super fuzz is absolutely disgusting. i would like to have a tunable high frequency control as there is this constant shit high thing going on that would be useful to be able to dial in/out.
i'd also suggest a boss hm-3 hyper metal, you can find them really cheap all the time for like $20-$50. they're really good for haetful sounds and big wall of fuzz sounds. not as iconic as the hm-2 but still a decent sound
haetful metal
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
i would say the Devi Ever Silver Rose is the ultimate fuzz (it's like a combo of Superfuzz with an IC Big Muff or something), if you can find it anywhere, but i dont think it's gonna be very cheap. tho a quick stroll down Death By Audio's website should provide you with something suitable.
Sounding rad. Not sure how you've got it set, but when I was using it as my main distortion I mostly just used the Boost mode into a slightly dirty amp. I liked the other modes for lead, but not so much for chordy stuff.
Weird. I know you got one but i found my dream fuzz sound saturday..I was hammered so not sure exactly what i did. The mesa was on the clean channel and i ran the unpleasant companion on one of the last slots on my power supply because it has a sputtering/dead battery thing on the last two slots of the power supply..holy shit it was incredible. I remember tripping out because i thought surely it was going to break because the light on the fuzz kept fading in and out.. it was awesome. Everything was wildly out of time though but i can chop up some of it and use it. I realized that i must have also ran it into the pog and it was equally unreal. It sounded like a big giant broken organ with the speakers busted. That may sound like a bad thing but it really was awesome. It was rolling, sputtering, and then just dying..
cur wrote:I need it to be smaller or I get shitty messages from mezz telling me my junk's too big.
Chico Malo wrote:This thread just went down the toilet. Bye
Certainly not an Unpleasant Companion. But I'll bet there's some digital gear that hates low voltages, but not enough to damage it. I mean, that's what happens when a battery dies, so manufacturers have to account for this.
Sidenote, I've never run a UC at low voltage, must give this a try!
I recall my old NYC BMP reissue sounded different* when the battery was dying (which wasn't often, because batteries in that pedal lasted aaaages). My Dano Fab Tone had a low battery when I bought it, and I recall that sounding interesting* too.
*by 'different' or 'interesting' I mean "muffled, gated and a bit crap," but I'm sure those sounds have a use in certain situations. It was similar to the 'bias' or 'texture' control of some fuzzes actually.
It's just difficult to do this in a controlled way...although one of my power supplies is switchable from 2V up to 12V, so maybe it's possible after all. We all expect too high a voltage to do some damage, but I don't see why too low a voltage would do any harm. The question really is whether the end result sounds usable I guess.
EDIT: the power supply I was on about here (a Skytronix one-spot/PSA style affair) has a voltage slide switch that goes in increments from 1.5V to 12V, and comes complete with a 'flippable' plug to go between centre-negative and -positive, which could be useful for Fuzz Faces and the like. I think I could have some fun experimenting with that!
The Danelectro power supply has a little dial to lower the voltage being supplied, which a little switch to go from your preset voltage drop to the standard 9 volt. Always meant to get one, never did.
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.
The voodoo labs power supply i use has the last two slots with their own little knobs that you can turn and as you turn its getting less power. I can watch the light fade and when it gets real low then it sputters. The light will come on to half brightness and then flash a bit and then go out and then come back slow. It almost sounds like a trem at times. Think spirit in the sky. Also nails the broken speaker sound better than a blown speaker does.
I love the way it sounds. I'll work on some samples.
cur wrote:I need it to be smaller or I get shitty messages from mezz telling me my junk's too big.
Chico Malo wrote:This thread just went down the toilet. Bye
we did a compilation of Beatles songs. Some of the effects i was speaking of earlier in this thread can be heard there. The comp is unreal. Give it a listen!
cur wrote:I need it to be smaller or I get shitty messages from mezz telling me my junk's too big.
Chico Malo wrote:This thread just went down the toilet. Bye