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Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:32 am
by Fakir Mustache
As some of you may know, I got the Jackson Rhoads made in India. Extremely light, but very well balanced, a lot more comfortable to play than Mustangs which are bit heavier even. Fun guitar.

I'm interested in a '67 now.

Anybody know about the Cougar Guitar Co flying V's? It seems to be a UK importer's brand. I haven't found one for sale, but they fascinate me.

I'll probably get a Dimavery or an older Harley Benton with the bolt-on neck. I've seen the Dimavery new in shops locally a few years ago, although I think they sold out.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:02 am
by BobArsecake
The Flying V was invented by Elvis Costello in 1929 upon a visit to the building site of Prince's house. Costello had a gig that night for which he needed a guitar, but he'd left his in Swindon. With the beams exposed he plucked one set away and attached his cricket bat, and took off to play the Hollywood Bowl as planned. Prince sued Costello and was awarded the costs for the beams, but Elvis has yet to pay up, and to this day there is a sag in the roof of Prince's house because he's too tight to pay for the extra infrastructure.

You have been taught about Flying Vs.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:10 pm
by dezb1
BobArsecake wrote:The Flying V was invented by Elvis Costello in 1929 upon a visit to the building site of Prince's house. Costello had a gig that night for which he needed a guitar, but he'd left his in Swindon. With the beams exposed he plucked one set away and attached his cricket bat, and took off to play the Hollywood Bowl as planned. Prince sued Costello and was awarded the costs for the beams, but Elvis has yet to pay up, and to this day there is a sag in the roof of Prince's house because he's too tight to pay for the extra infrastructure.

You have been taught about Flying Vs.
A+ post will read again...

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:13 pm
by George
unless you're sloan you're gonna look like an idiot

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:16 pm
by brainfur
HNB wrote:I like the way they look, but I just can't play the things. Their bodies always want to slide off my lap or poke out where it isn't comfortable to me. I know you can put the V part on your leg and such, but it puts it at a odd angle for me on the ones I have played. I love the headstock on them though.
why are u sitting down to play guitar?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:55 pm
by sunshiner
HeartfeltDawn wrote:
Fran wrote:I blame Mumford and Sons.
Mumford & Sons, forever in my heart as the kings of Waitrose Folk Music. Folk music for people too rich for poverty, no matter how much beard they grow.
Modern folk/indie musician is a man with the wild beard and with the hairstyle that costs more than lumberjack's annual salary

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:43 pm
by Rox
Epiphone is prolly the cheapest .
I think Schecter also made a bolt on V in the mid to late 2000s .. They did both a V and a Casket like that. You can normally find them about the same price as an Epi.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:14 pm
by brainfur
the schecter v sounded really good but they mainly got beat to shit by kids at guitar center