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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:06 pm
by Mike
Maybe I'm a philistine but I've managed to get that blooming boomy Twin clean sounds with a few amps, including my Marshall 6100 with 2x12" and at the other end of the spectrum, a Bugera V22HD into a completely crap Harley Benton 1x12".

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 3:22 pm
by George
tbh given your experience with pedal crafting you've likely a much more finely tuned palette than me

my opinions are pretty much based on playing through twins and being blown away, and not being as blown away by hotrod and blues deluxes. i suppose there are all sorts of factors like bias, speakers, tubes and what have you, and the rest is just me imagining it in my head.

let's be realistic - i'll likely just end up with a HRDX and possibly an extension cab

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:20 pm
by Concretebadger
If you're worried about the portability of a Twin-style amp, going the head+cab route might be a better idea. Sure, you'll have to make two trips to the van but that's preferable to making one trip and doing your back in.

Taking one amp and changing the speakers can make a huge difference too. e.g. running my DRRI through my Celestion-loaded 2x12 makes it sound very different - more 'Fender-y', ironically - to my ears than its stock Jensen 12" driver.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:26 pm
by meltedbuzzbox
I have a fender the twin aka evil twin. Mine is a black knob version, but still the same amp.
For me its the nicest sounding twin there is. It has all the bloom and chime but it doesn't have that horrible treble heavy clicky sound the silver face has.
I have used mine for 12 years now, only the tubes have failed on it. No nightmare issues for me (however they do exist).

It weighs more than the moon and the dirt channel is pretty poor but I adore the clean on it. Well worth 350 in good nick. 350 is about the going rate too.

If you are spending more money and you want great cleans check out hiwatt.