possible albums covers

Plug your music, photography, graphics, shows of any kind or other creative works.

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dog or house/ what have you left behind or, interstate love highway trash

Poll ended at Thu Jan 04, 2007 3:26 am

Total votes: 12
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Post by Mike »

robert(original) wrote:my original idea was to just print up the names of songs and band name and album name, cut it out adn tape it on top of a cd case. thats it.
i wanted to go as cheaply as possible so i wouln't have to spend to much and so we wouldn't have to charge too much either. and hey, since it was done in a few mins i wold mind some ideas about what to actually do to the pics or if you think an idea might be good but the particular pic sucks.
In my opinion the problem is that both those pictures look very "plucked at random". They say nothing to me about what your music is all about etc. The cover I posted was a piece of artwork we had commisioned about the song "Leaving Town", inspired directly by the lyric "The girl that you want is leaving town today, and the one thing you need she'll never give away".

That cut up idea sounds like a horrible mess. Why not write out the song names by hand in marker pen?
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Post by Hurb »

Mike wrote:I love it though. When you took that brilliant Weezer parody with Yun and made it suck... pure genius. You can't teach that shit.

haha cheers :lol:

Post by mumblyjoe »

What type of band is it for and what you guys into? If it was a metal band, I say go the first one, it looks dark and rusty, only complaint is maybe move the title up to the top under the band name.

Post by blackmarker »

I definitely like the house image better.

I don't know how you are planning on getting the insert printed, but if you need help getting it done give me a holler. I do freelance design work (flyers, CD covers, etc.) for musicians and independent artists.

Click on Mr.T to check out the collective I work with. :)
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Bean Dip
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Post by Bean Dip »

The dog should be what have you left behind and the house should be interstate love highway trash.