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Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:29 am
by singlepup
^I'm feeling new aches and pains these days too.

The Deluxe Reverb is definitely grab and go. That's the most surprising thing about it.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:29 pm
by Concretebadger
I was talking to one of the dudes from Caspian last week and he was saying the same thing about his Twin. Lugging those things around isn't fun when you're a touring indie band who are too poor for an army of roadies to help you.

The only thing that's as awkward, apparently, is the Orange 4x12 that one of his bandmates has recently fallen in love with. They're even worse than the Marshalls from what I've heard. Crazy thick birch ply in those things. :shock:

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:39 pm
by dots
so, not only are orange cuntily spendy, but they're heavy as fuck. who'da thunk?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:25 pm
by Josh
Tones bro. Totally worth the bad back imo. I love those orange 4x12s. Love the look of em, in black too. Compared to the marshalls I like the sound a little better.
Also get a dolly and save the trouble of trying to hustle those things up stairs. I live in an attic so any gear I have has to go up 3 plus flights of stairs after I've taken it down, loaded it and unloaded it after a show, then have to come home and take it back up. Back when I was playing shows a couple times a week I was in the best shape ever sweating it out on stage then loading all our heavy shit up and downstairs at the end of the night. From when I had combos, or the head/cabinets I have now, dollys save your life.

Could totally understand how weight can be an issue though, first time I picked up a tube amp head I almost dropped it because I had no idea they were that heavy. Even my hot rod deluxe broke my back when I had it. Thing was crazy heavy for having a 1x12

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:50 am
by Bacchus
Josh wrote:Tones bro.
And style too. I like them, but the Matamp head I have (built the same way as Oranges) weighs as much as the Marshall 412 it goes through. There's no good reason to have a so much wood surrounding it.

(in fairness, it's a Marshall AVT 412, so it's a but smaller/lighter than other 412s).