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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:58 pm
by Doog
robroe wrote:
Mike wrote:Would you believe that Focusrite interface I ordered yesterday just arrived. The world we're living in.
do an demo about how to hook all this shit up. i think i want one too.
Can't wait for the youtube series of Rob swearing at his bustedass Atari Realplayer trying to get this to work because he can't be bothered to read a manual

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:32 pm
by Mike
You literally just plug in the USB cable into the interface and the laptop (well macbook in my case as I'm ponce, but hey it's old!)

It then is selectable as an input audio device (for mics, guitars) and an output audio device (for headphones, speakers) when you load up your DAW software which is Garageband in my case

Sounds brillliant even with just the built in amp models in Garageband of which there are many, they sound decent enough.

It's a nice looking and solidly built piece of kit, and I now have a recording/gigging setup I can fit in a record bag.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:54 am
by Progrockabuse
Mike wrote:I'm not pointing fingers or anything, I gneuinely have no idea if this is just a simple cheapo app store purchase or pricey

Either way this thread has finally given me the punt in the arse to get one of these


So I can get my Macbook back in action as a home studio.

Keep your eyes peeled for gear demos and boy with guitar whinefests
i have that very same interface, simple to use and sounds pretty good. keep thinking of splashing out on amplitube, but tend to use my little laney iron heart preamp for recording, if i ever get a chance to lol

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:09 pm
by Doog
I've definitely found the choice of amps and pedals has kickstarted a lot of inspiration for me, it's worth trying the free one if you've got the hardware!