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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:04 am
by NickS
Like the Pod, you can get a footswitch for preset selection but it seems pretty limited in terms of how you can configure the effects chain compared to the newer Line 6 or Zoom multi-effects.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:38 am
by ultratwin
Sorry to hear about your loss, Izodiak.
I'm one of them many that picked up a G.3 based on the first few years of hype and really enjoy it, using it for all the electric guitar stuff I track in the studio (into tube pre and then to DA + DAW), at present the Janglebox and Fuzzes being the only pedals that the G.3 can't quite deliver on all points. Despite having only three visible (albeit horizontally scrolling) screens, you can get around with ease and the fact that you can both dial things in easy like a set of individual pedals in sequence and then enjoy having actual footswitches to your assigned setup when a live deal is all good news. The market being flooded with them is another plus.
I just watched a Strymon Bigsky demo and thought to myself "I just made a huge, equally lush modulated reverb patch (among many) and it didn't cost me like $500", my two thumbs under the suspenders and stuff.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:52 am
by NickS
So Andi, how about the G.3 for detuning a semitone or two?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:32 am
by ultratwin
Funny you mention that, as I did a little last night while recording the audio for the upcoming 2017 CES Samsung Press Conference opening, which required some droppy single note leads.
In short it's quite bad, and sterile as heck. As mentioned the tracking is really glitchy and not made to be polyphonic at all, so if anything it forced me to be extra careful with fingering and right hand work. Boss wins in this dept by a mile.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:35 pm
by Mad-Mike
Most recently I've been looking at the Line6 HD500X - at least until I scored a Blackstar IDCORE10 for $30 at a pawn shop (because I know of a little lifehack for the power supply) and decided to use my own stompbox board with it.
If you go used Digitech - BE CAREFUL - one reason I got that IDCORE was to replace my RP-250 which had flaky flash memory. If I used the software to save patches, or even tried to save a regular patch from the pedal itself, if I'd already saved a preset, the new preset would corrupt the pedal. I've retired that thing now.
I used to have a Behringer V-AMP Pro (the rackmount version of the POD XT clone thing that another guy posted) - I used it for 10 years until it fried itself, most of my old YouTube videos had that on it. There was a pedal version that I'm sure can be had for a song if you are in a pinch.
BOSS ME-6, I'd stay away from that thing, awful distortion, unless you like muddiness and digital sounding distortion. It had amazing chorus and reverb though.
Korg AX-30G might be one to get if you are using this thing with an amp, lots of cool sounds to be had and it had some early amp modeling as well, and the interface was pretty easy once you got used to it.