Thanks! Hey,I found some other weird things about this guitar. One is the serial number. It starts with 11 instead of 14.Gibson started a new numbering system in 2014.All serial numbers that year start with 14 so it doesn't make sense that mine would start with 11. Maybe that is because it was made from body and neck leftover from the original 2011 run of SG 24 Frets. Or maybe it is a "Spinal Tap" reference as in "this guitar goes to..." lol
also,there is an extra pickup in the case compartment. It has a smooth cover like the Tony Iommi
but the sticker on the back says "57 Classic"
Yes the other guitar is a Midtown.Guess I will find out what kind of pickup is in the bridge the next time I change the strings. Maybe I will put the original pickup back in. Did you notice that this pickup doesn't have any screws though the back like a regular 57(bottom picture)?
No biggy, they could do it intentionally to match the appearance of the mini humbucker Firebird pickup (I don't want to start another war ) in this particular guitar. Does it have pole piece screws at all?
No and that caused some problems for Gibson Customer Service.I read some posts on another forum by a guy who had ordered one from AMS in 2015. Before he received it he called Gibson to ask if the guitar came with a Tony Iommi or 57 Classic pickup in the bridge. The Gibson Customer Service agent he spoke with told him: If the pickup has a smooth cover it is a Tony Iommi and if it has screws in the cover it is a 57 classic. Some people who bought the guitar believing it was the Tony Iommi Pickup were pissed off when they found out it was a 57. That is why I thought the bridge pickup on my guitar was the original pickup until I found the covered 57 in the case compartment. I thought they had changed it to a regular 57 to avoid confusion.