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Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:19 pm
by plopswagon
sunshiner wrote:Shouldn't all real Cobain fans go left handed to really honor him? And all Les Paul appreciaters have their elbows shattered. And Bob Dylan's fans crash on a motorbike. Or else don't call yourself a fan
And those Mama Cass fans…never mind.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:22 pm
sunshiner wrote:Shouldn't all real Cobain fans go left handed to really honor him? And all Les Paul appreciaters have their elbows shattered. And Bob Dylan's fans crash on a motorbike. Or else don't call yourself a fan
LOL, maybe you're right. All true righty Cobain fans should play lefty, and vice versa for the true lefty fans.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:56 pm
by euan
Thom wrote:Nice to see the lefties! Will be interesting to see what the neck profile is like. It says narrow C, but nut is wider than the originals.
Its 40mm width, isn't that like the original?
I think this makes it the cheapest Fender you can get with a 7.25" neck. The fact that they can make this in a lefty shows that there are loads of models they could also make left handed, volume can't be an issue.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:00 pm
by BearBoy
Many of the Vintera range have 7.25" fretboards and are quite a bit cheaper than the Jag-Stang. Unless you meant left-handed models?
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:13 pm
by euan
Yep left handed models
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:25 pm
by Mike
Stupid daft guitar gets stupid daft expensive reissue
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:06 pm
by plopswagon
Mike wrote:Stupid daft guitar gets stupid daft expensive reissue
Aka, the Fender product release model.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:13 pm
by Thom
euan wrote:Thom wrote:Nice to see the lefties! Will be interesting to see what the neck profile is like. It says narrow C, but nut is wider than the originals.
Its 40mm width, isn't that like the original?
I think this makes it the cheapest Fender you can get with a 7.25" neck. The fact that they can make this in a lefty shows that there are loads of models they could also make left handed, volume can't be an issue.
It’s marginal but the original is 1.5625" (39.68 mm).
Totally agree with what you say about ability to produce lefty models.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:20 pm
by dots
honestly, the price isn't bad (*all things considered) for a signature model when you think about it, especially when you factor the big leaps in price fender made over the last 10 years across the board.
*they retailed for about $700'ish new a quarter century ago. according to the
inflation calculator, that should put it at $1,174. a vintera mustang rolling off the same mexcan line is $950, and its jaguar counterpart is $1,100. i can't vouch for what the quality will be on these reissues (i am tempted to pick one up to make the universe right again), but in theory, it should be in line with the awesome instruments that have been shipped from down south for almost 30 years.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 8:53 pm
by Mike
I'm not saying it's expensive for a Fender these days.
It's expensive for a Jag-Stang, over £1000 on a guitar that has so many flaws actually baked into the design.
Maybe it won't sound like a wooly mess in Alder rather than basswood, but the humbucker is still angled and as a result the polepieces are all over the shop when it comes to lining up with the strings - hardly gonna be a paragon of clarity.
I too was seduced by it back in the day and I believe I paid £550 to import mine second hand from the US.
I spent hundreds after that trying to fix that guitar.
Nothing can fix that ridiculously small gap on the bass side of the pickguard to the body edge.
I guess you could say I'm not a fan, and come on "30th anniversary of Nevermind" they just saw the second hand prices guys
You'd be far better getting a Kurty poos Mustang or one of the many HH Jaguar options if you're after THAT SOUND and look
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 9:03 pm
by Bacchus
It's the best neck in the world. And one of the best neck pickups. I think I paid £375 for mine new.
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2021 10:23 pm
by euan
Aye its the same price as the HH Jag, which I'd much rather get
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:11 am
by Mike
Bacchus wrote:It's the best neck in the world. And one of the best neck pickups. I think I paid £375 for mine new.
The neck pickup can be got separately without the rest of the mess connected to it
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:27 am
by Bacchus
But the neck? The rest of the mess is a weirdly shaped Mustang with a weird bridge pickup arrangement.
It's a weird looking Mustang with great neck, one great pickup and one not good pickup.
I agree that there are issues that should have been designed out before it was manufactured, but I don't think it's as catastrophically bad a guitar as we sometimes like to make out on here.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:30 am
by sunshiner
The neck is closer to a vintage A or B neck?
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:20 am
by Bacchus
All of the necks on the Japanese ones were made by Kurt Cobain himself. Dunno where they're getting these new ones.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:40 am
by NickS
Bacchus wrote:All of the necks on the Japanese ones were made by Kurt Cobain himself. Dunno where they're getting these new ones.
There's a new conspiracy theory. Kurt never died, instead of flipping burgers with Elvis he's working in a Mexican guitar factory.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:04 am
by sunshiner
Also he lived in Japan, too. Those CIJ Jagstangs didn't make themselves
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:05 pm
by dots
I dropped a Duncan (that statement sounds nastier than it should) in the bridge, and 90% of the guitar's tone issues disappeared. I never even touched pots as I got to like the darker tone it had. If I end up getting a reissue, I'll give the "proprietary" electronics more of a chance before I rip and replace.
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 3:23 pm
by Mike
I tried that and it didn't help for me. I think mine was shite.
Tried 500k pots, 1M pots and bypassing all pots for maximum treble - didn't work.
Replaced humbucker with a SD JB, didn't work.
Straightened the HB route and made a new pickguard so the HB lined up perfectly with the strings - didn't work.
Tried a TOM and a non fender spaced JB - didn't work.