As i want to be done with the BS dealing with shop headaches ...and i'm keeping it
Thomastik jazz swings went on yesterday.
Doing a full setup today.
Here's a few new unpleasant discoveries and i'm happy this thing is home with me now, no more Bax shop apes touching it.
I feel sorry for it.
The TI's are my favourite strings, i love how they feel, how they sound.
Going from the roundwounds that were on there to these feels like sinking into a comfy sofa instead of a weathered park bench.
It got late yesterday and was tired from work. Full setup today.
I did do a quick recording, all both pickups (middle), going from parallel to series from tapped bridge to untapped (not in that order, i don't remember, it was late).
That's 4 different sounds instantly by a switch or a push of a button.
I removed the neck pickup and cover to easily get the pickguard off, the fingerboard sticks out over the pickguard.
When i took a closer look at the pickup covers i saw some ape changed the height of the bridge pickup and did this.
I didn't notice it before, perhaps because the strings were on or i never looked at it from that angle. You can barely see it from the top.
Just that side.
Then i took a look at the bridge...and saw the intonation screws
These are things someone would cause on their first guitar, not knowing 'ooh this screw is tiiiight i wonder why' (loosen the string you sod).
Or someone who just doesn't care and is in a hurry.
Same with the pickup adjustment, aid it a little in moving and watch out because that plastic doesn't like a screwdriver rubbing against its side.
Put a subtle bend in the trem arm, nothing too crazy. Same curvature as i put on my CV jazz.
Tightened the collet screw. It's a nice feature.
I've deciced to keep the arm on when it's stored. It's not like it's all the way pushed down when in the case, just touches to top.
Oh and i slanted the toggle switch for comfy switching in playing position.
Now, all negatives aside, i am truly happy i pulled the trigger on one.
Yes, the way this all went was less than ideal..or fair. But it's here. And i'm really enjoying it. It's a tool, a tool to make music, technically it does everyhting it has to do. I am impressed with its versatility.
I do however miss SAFETIPOST tuners. <3
But i'll get used to the 'strings through' again.