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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:03 pm
by timhulio
I bought these ones woot: ... ucts_id=69
Only ?54 from Watford Valves though.
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:49 pm
by Doog
timhulio wrote:Ah, one more thing. What wattage should my speakers be?
My amp is a 100w hybrid. It's got a 1x12" in there already. For this extension cab, am I right in thinking I should whack two 30w speakers in there so they get driven properly?
Thinking about it, the ext. speaker out isn't gonna be 100w anyways since it'll be sharing the amp with the internal speaker- I was automatically thinking in "amphead" terms.
I'm not sure how to mathematically figure out what wattage the output is gonna be from the ext. speaker output, but it won't be 100w..
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:00 am
by filtercap
Wattage ratings are a manufacturer's advisory of sorts, to let you know how much a speaker can (probably) handle without damage. Add up the wattage ratings of all speakers connected to an amp -- series or parallel, either way -- and that's how much power your speaker setup can handle. Changing to speakers with diff. wattage ratings does not change the power your amp's putting out.
The wattage an amp kicks out =is= affected by the total speaker impedance (ohms) connected to it. With many amps, doubling the speaker impedance cuts the wattage output in half, and halving the impedance doubles the wattage. If you have a manual, it should tell you what wattage your amp will put into a given number of ohms.
Whatever that wattage is, it should be the same from all speaker outs. The power will be distributed equally to all speakers regardless of their wattage ratings, as long as each speaker has the same =impedance= rating (ohms again). In other words, the amp handles all internal and extension speakers together as if they were one big cabinet.
If you take speakers of two or more different impedances and connect them in parallel, the speakers with the lower impedances will receive more of the power and do more of the work than those with higher impedances. I don't know what happens if you connect them in series. History gets erased or something.
Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:44 am
by Mike
The speakers in the ext cab only need to be able to handle approx 25 watts each at full tilt.
The Amp has two parallel outs right? (one to the int speaker at 8 ohms and one to the cab at 8 ohms)
The power is divided in two at this point so 50W to internal speaker and 50W to cab. Which is then divided in two again as the speakers are in parallel = 25 watts handling per speaker. Regardless of being more than needed for the job those Celestions are NICE and it will sound rocking. Plus if you need a high wattage cab you have one.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:08 pm
by timhulio
I've done it! I got carried away and replaced the speaker in my Musicman 112RP too.
More here:
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:17 pm
by Mike