Mike wrote:I'm a big Laney fan but the Marshall sound is what I like. I have absolutely no worries about low-end with my 6100 and when I played the JVM.
I play 4x12" and 2x12" setups so I've never been lacking. Marshalls are always voiced with an uppermidrange biting overdrive which is what I love, and what you might be mistaking for a lack of bass.
It's not so much the upper mid gain structure as the fact Marshalls just don't have that much bass compared to a Laney or Mesa. If the Bass controls on Marshalls worked all the way up to 10 like they should, not stopped at 6 like every single one I've tried or owned (and I tried a lot when I worked on Denmark Street), it probably would be less of a problem for me personally.
I seem to get more bass from my 1x12" LC50 combo than I did with the JMP heads I owned running through the 300w 1960A cab, though not as tight obviously owing to the open back. When running through a closed-back Celestion the amount you can get is quite ridiculous - with the Jag and the amp cranked, the bass on 3 or 4 is ample. But of course there's much more to a good tone than bass alone. That's one aspect.
I'm a gigging guitarist, and having 6 sounds I love switchable from an all tube head for less than £800 is a complete nobrainer to me. The Laney switchers I've played have a slight lag/pop on switch - the JVM is silent and seamless like my 6100. Plus the JVM is cheaper than anything Laney have that might compete.
Wish I was a gigging guitarist.
Strange you have problems with Laneys making pops/crackles when switching channels - in my experience the channel-switching Marshalls I've tried do that while the Laneys are the seamless ones.
Well, looks like you really thought this one through. I'm glad you're getting something you know kicks ass and will work perfectly for your situation. Let me know when your band is gigging next and where, I'd like to check it out, something I was going to ask anyway. This little discussion reminded me.